July Wrap Up | Having fun with PopCulture Readathon & Getting out of my Reading Slump ❄️

❄️ Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new post… my July Wrap Up! where I’ll tell you ALL about my readings of the month. July was such a crazy month for me, maybe a little messy in terms of reading, but I also had a lot of fun and I’ve had beautiful surprises and blessings to be thankful for, so I can say that it was a great month and although I didn’t read as much I was expecting to, it’s okay, I’m learning to be patient with myself and understand that I’m just coming out of a reading slump so I understand that it will have a somewhat slow start and that’s ok, we must love and understand ourselves when we’re going through this type of state, I‘m glad that I was able to read and actually enjoy the process, which was difficult for me a month ago. I didn’t really read any book that blew me away, but I did enjoy one enough and I’ve found super interesting stories, I’m also happy to have given the opportunity to several genres, which is always positive, I’ll tell you more in my statistics and in my summary of each book. 😊 

Before starting and sharing with you all my readings, I want to thank you SO SO much for all the love I’ve received this month, I’m infinitely grateful, guys, for each one of you, the connections I’ve made thanks to the blog are what I treasure the most of this beautiful experience. 🥰  I was the blog of the day on Twitter 🎉, which is always a wonderful and super significant detail that helps me grow, so thanks to @TheWriteReads for all their work and support he gives to the book bloggers community & in addition to this I’ve reached the 5000 followers with the blog and I just CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! I don’t really know how to express how grateful I feel with each person who decides to follow my blog, it makes me happy and I promise that I’ll only improve every day to give you the best of myself. I LOVE YOU and you know I’m always there for you if you need me

Plus, I want to thank every book blogger who has included me in their lists for the Book Blogger Awards nominations, I didn’t expect all the love I received and my heart explodes with joy, thank you SO much, guys, you’re wonderful. ❤️ 

I Love You Hug GIF by RainToMe

So during the month of June, I participated in the incredible PopCulture Readathon and my personal goal was simply to read as much as I could, so even though I didn’t read how much I wanted, I read what I could and that’s fine with me, let’s say I made it 😅 This was one of the best and most enjoyable readathons in which I’ve participated, I’m absolutely in love with it and I hope I can participate in the future when I feel like reading more, so I can get more out of it. 😍 Even so, I had a lot of fun, I loved it and I read an incredible fantasy, I participated in a blog tour where I discovered a magical book with an incredible atmosphere, a unique mystery, an unexpected short novel, the end of a series which left me with mixed feelings & I DNF a very popular book. 👏🏻 I also want to talk a little about my current reading, so without further ado, I hope you enjoy the post, remember that I love to know what you think, so let me know everything in the comments, I LOVE YOU & let’s get started! ❄️


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Top 5 Favorite Posts on the Blog


❄️ MY TBR JAR | 30+ BOOKS ⚱️






July Statistics

💫 Books Read: I’ve read 5 books this month  & DNF 1 😊
💫 Total Pages: 1596 👍🏻 
💫 Authors Gender: All books I read are by female authors 💞
💫 Book Genres: I’ve read 4 YA books & 1 Adult book|| Within this, I’ve read Fantasy, Mystery, Magical-Realism, Paranormal, Romance & Dystopia
💫 Releases: I’ve read 2 from 2020, 2 from 2019 & 1 from 2018



✂️ Fast-Paced & Unique Fantasy 💫 


❄️ Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars #1) by Elizabeth Lim | I want to start with what was undoubtedly my best reading of the month, I had a lot of fun with this book and it was a pleasure to have a fast-paced and light fantasy to read when I felt slumpy, it really helped me get back to my usual reading state. This book is magical in the most beautiful way, it plays a lot with Chinese mythology, a factor I LOVE & also has a very original idea behind where a girl must face many challenges to become the real seamstress and thus help her family to have a better quality of life. In addition to loving the magical touch and the designs of the dresses, which have beautiful and vivid descriptions, what stands out most in this book is the family dynamics and I love to see how the main character sacrifices herself for her father and brother, and see every state of this relationships touched my heart, I really adore when fantasy books focus on family, it’s beautiful. Romance is a weak point for me in here, but I still adore the characters and I’m excited to know what will happen in the sequel! I highly recommend it. | BOOK REVIEW |

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 🦋 Bittersweet Readings  🔎 

❄️ Rebel (Legend #4) by Marie Lu | Oh, Rebel, I expected much more from you!! I put these books here because they’re books that I didn’t love but I didn’t hate either, but they’re in the middle, in the case of Rebel my expectation were high, I adore the main trilogy and the characters, therefore, I was super excited to read about Day again. I knew from the start that the book would be about Day’s little brother Ethan, who’s now in his 20s I think, and it wasn’t really what I expected. I still adore Marie Lu and I think her works are wonderful, but with this book I felt that there was no real effort with the plot, it seemed to me that the common thread of it was a whim of a child wanting to attract attention and that didn’t it’s too real of a reason for me to really commit to the book, you know? I LOVE to read again about Day and June because there is a fiber inside me of a lot of nostalgia about this pair, but at the same time, I felt that although the relationship is beautiful and I love it, the characters as individuals no longer had that impact that they once knew how to have. Everything was too gray for me, too meh and ok, nothing surprised me and I honestly prefer the ending of Champion, where we have a somewhat tragic, but absolutely beautiful ending, so although this book isn’t the worst in the world, it doesn’t add anything unique to me and I prefer to leave it at that. | BOOK REVIEW |

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❄️ The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor | This book is quite an experience, I actually liked it a lot, but I hoped I liked it even more. I think it has a unique style, the author is very intelligent when it comes to telling mysteries, I like how the atmosphere is built and how the plot twists are revealed, all that was a great combination and I enjoyed that aspect, as well as the plot itself, which is quite creepy. But I didn’t like the characters in equal measure, I think they need a better construction and more attention to detail, it’s a story that also focuses a lot on the characters so feeling so detached from what was happening to them was an impediment to feeling 100% hooked, you know? Even so, it’s a great mystery book with a dynamic that I’ve never read before and I appreciate that, I would love to read more of the author in the future. | BOOK REVIEW |

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 🌊 Blog Tour 🌒


❄️ Mayhem by Estelle Laure | I think that this book, although I really enjoy the author’s style and how atmospheric it was, tries to cover many topics, and perhaps it wasn’t the best choice. Personally, I think that the aspect that was touched more superficially was the magical one, which was itself the main point that the story promised, this aspect is too highly interesting so the fact that it wasn’t explored in more depth left me wanting more than the main magical plot. There are thousands of hard-hitting topics, such as domestic violence, rape, drug abuse, suicide, among other things, and these topics I think are well manege, they have a very large emotional charge and it shows when you read it. I love the setting where the story takes place, but I’m not a big fan of the characters either, they all seem pretty flat to me.
I think that in general, it’s a book with a lot of potentials, but it lacks further development on many points. I still recommend it because I think it was easy to read and has solid dialogues. | BOOK REVIEW |

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 🌑  Short Novel 🧛🏻

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❄️ A Whisper in the Dark (Charlie Travesty #1) by Jessi Elliott & K.J. Sutton | This little novel is the first in a series of novels about a Vampiric romance and isn’t usually my type of reading, but I had a lot of fun with it, it’s short and easy to read. Maybe this first book has a lot of information and the balance is strange at the end because the plot itself does not develop too much, but I still enjoyed it and I would like to continue with the rest of the novels in the future. I loved the construction of the world and the characters are interesting enough.

3 Estrellas


DNF of the Month ⚡️


❄️ Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) by Leigh Bardugo | It’s very difficult for me to admit this to myself and to you guys, but I have to be honest, I’m not enjoying this book AT ALL. I LOVE Leigh Bardugo and she’ll always be my fantasy queen, but this story isn’t made for me. I think I read about 150 pages, maybe a little more, and I can’t keep pushing myself nor forcing myself to read it just because I’ve heard it gets better, it’s just not worth it. I think it’s SO SO slow-paced reading and that’s fine, this type of narration may be liked by other readers, but personally, it wasn’t for me, it was so hard for me to keep reading and even so, there are many things in the plot that I don’t understand and honestly I don’t even care, the promise sounded fantastic but the execution is boring for me. The characters are the disappointment that hurts the most, because I expected incredible characters and I feel that they’re quite flat actually, especially Alex. So, I really hope you love this book as I know that many people have done, but I decide not to continue and that’s fine, I know that the author will have other books in the future that I’ll love, this isn’t for me and I don’t see the point to continue reading if there’s not a single factor that catches my attention from the book, just continue reading for my love for the author, but I can’t continue and I want to remind you that DNFing a book is fine if it’s not for you, even when it’s written by one of your favorite authors.


Currently Reading  🌙 


❄️ The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton | I’m writing this post in advance, so maybe I can finish this one, but I prefer to leave it like this so as not to put pressure on myself, anyway once I finish it I’ll tell you all my thoughts and I’ll add to my wrap up next month. So far, I’m loving it, but it’s somewhat slow to read due to the writing style, even so, I think it’s very smart and has a creepy atmosphere that I’m enjoying.


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Credits for the source of the original image HERE

What’s your favorite book of the month? & Have you read any of these books?

🌿 Let me know everything in the comments, you know that I always love to know what you think 🌿

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40 thoughts on “July Wrap Up | Having fun with PopCulture Readathon & Getting out of my Reading Slump ❄️

  1. So happy to hear you are getting out of your reading slump. I feel I was in one for a little while and end of June, I came out of it. I see you read so many great books. I did end up enjoying The Chalk Man. I read that a couple of years ago. I also liked The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. I found it to be such a puzzle of a read. I do hope you end up enjoying it a lot! I am tempted to try Ninth House. I feel that’s one I hear a lot about. It seems like it’s a mixed reaction. Sorry to hear you didn’t end up liking it. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you SO much! 😊 reading slumps are the worst, I’m glad you’re better and that you’ve also enjoyed Evelyn Hardcastle and The Chalk Man, I’m enjoying E.H. a lot so far. I know! I’m so disappointed not to have loved it, but hey, it can happen sometimes and it’s fine, I hope you love it once you read it ❤️✨

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It looks like you had a good reading month Sofi! ❤️
    I think if you enjoyed, but didn’t love The Chalk Man, you may like her second novel The Taking of Annie Thorne… I thought they were very similar and enjoyed both! 🙂
    I hope you have a wonderful August! 💞

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on 5000 followers and also on getting out of your reading slump 🙂 I really want to read Spin the Dawn; it looks amazing 😍 You read so many books this month, and it seems like you really enjoyed them. Happy reading 💞

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sometimes life just gets too much ans diy only to slow down or take a break from things that you enjoy. I’m glad that you took this time to accept the reading slump and just read what ever you wanted to for fun

    Congratulations on reaching 5000 followers! That’s awesome, you blog is amazing and you are one of the sweetest person and you deserve this and so much more

    Have a great day 💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Spin the Dawn is on my TBR! And you deserve every ounce of support, honestly. Congrats on 5000 followers! I hope August is going to be a great reading month too!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. AWWWW!! As always THIS POST WAS AS INTERESTING TO READ AS IT WAS BEAUTIFUL TO LOOK AT! I mean you even turn wrap ups into an art, hon! 😍😍😍❤️❤️😘😘😘

    AND CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING IT TO THE NEXT ROUND OF THE BLOGGER AWARDS!! YAYYYYY!! SOO HAPPYYY FOR YOUUU! I am wishing to all the wizards of Middle Earth that you win! 😍😍😍😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, Rain, thank you SO much! You know that your support means the world to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 & I still can’t believe that I get into the nominations, it’s crazy! 😲 I swear is just enough for me. ❤️

      You’re an angel, I hope you have a beautiful August 🥰🥰🥰🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great job reading five books in July! 🙂 I am so happy you really enjoyed Spin the Dawn. I loved it and can’t wait to read the sequel. So sad you didn’t love Ninth House. I haven’t read it yet, but I do want to give it a chance since I really love Leigh Bardugo. Fingers crossed I like it. I’ve been kind of putting it off, because I’m scared I won’t lol. I hope you have an amazing reading month in August. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Ash!! ❤️ I’m really excited for the Spin The Dawn sequel, I look forward to reading it in the coming months, and I hope we both love it. 😍
      I hope you love Ninth House, I adore the author too and I would never doubt her talent, but I just think that this book wasn’t for me and that’s okay, it can happen. I would love to hear your thoughts. 😊
      Have the most amazing month ✨✨

      Liked by 1 person

  8. congratulations on 5,000 followers! i am definitely one of those new ones, and i can tell that you for sure deserve all of them! great job!

    i think the purpose of readathons really is just about reading as much as YOU can, so it will be a different number for everyone. like, i tend to read about 6 books a month, so whenever i’m participating on a readathon, i try to aim a little higher, like eight books. i know some people can read soooo much more than that, and i think that honestly, if you read as much as you can, that’s already a success!

    i hope august is an even better month!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you SO much, Lais, you’re very sweet! I really appreciate your comment and that you’ve decided to follow my blog, I hope you enjoy the content. 🥺🥺🥺✨
      I absolutely agree with you, I used to get stressed a lot but now I only use them as a motivation to read and have fun without putting pression on myself, as you say, reading what you can is already enough.😊
      I hope you have a wonderful month ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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