2020 Surprises & Disappointments ⚡️

⚡️ Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings and wonderful moments! ❤️ Today I’m more than excited to share with you this second post in the series of “end of the year posts” and this time I bring you my Surprises & my Disappointments of this 2020. 🙌🏻 On the one hand, we have those books from which I didn’t expect so much and they ended up surprising me by how much I enjoyed them and on the other hand, those which I had high expectations from, but ended up disappointing me.
As always, I want to clarify that these opinions are only my own and don’t mean that we all have the same experiences with these books and that’s fine 😊 & on the other hand I also want to clarify that
the group of books that today I want to share with you that were surprising for me, are books that really captivated me but they didn’t reach my top of the year as favorites, so this is also a good opportunity to give them their moment of recognition, appreciate them and tell you a little about them. 😍
I also want to tell you that those books that are in the group of
my disappointments this year aren’t bad books at all, in fact, I’ve enjoyed them, it just that I get into them with high expectations or I expected much more from them and they just didn’t live up to and that’s why they’re in my disappointments. Which doesn’t mean they aren’t great reads anyway. 🌟 
In short, I want this to be a fun post to share and exchange opinions, always knowing that we are all unique and different and that’s wonderful. 💞
So you know that I hope to know everything you think in the comments about these books!

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I hope you enjoy the posts a lot, so get yourself something delicious to drink and eat ☕️, make yourself comfortable & let’s get started, I’m excited!

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July Wrap Up | Having fun with PopCulture Readathon & Getting out of my Reading Slump ❄️

❄️ Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new post… my July Wrap Up! where I’ll tell you ALL about my readings of the month. July was such a crazy month for me, maybe a little messy in terms of reading, but I also had a lot of fun and I’ve had beautiful surprises and blessings to be thankful for, so I can say that it was a great month and although I didn’t read as much I was expecting to, it’s okay, I’m learning to be patient with myself and understand that I’m just coming out of a reading slump so I understand that it will have a somewhat slow start and that’s ok, we must love and understand ourselves when we’re going through this type of state, I‘m glad that I was able to read and actually enjoy the process, which was difficult for me a month ago. I didn’t really read any book that blew me away, but I did enjoy one enough and I’ve found super interesting stories, I’m also happy to have given the opportunity to several genres, which is always positive, I’ll tell you more in my statistics and in my summary of each book. 😊 

Before starting and sharing with you all my readings, I want to thank you SO SO much for all the love I’ve received this month, I’m infinitely grateful, guys, for each one of you, the connections I’ve made thanks to the blog are what I treasure the most of this beautiful experience. 🥰  I was the blog of the day on Twitter 🎉, which is always a wonderful and super significant detail that helps me grow, so thanks to @TheWriteReads for all their work and support he gives to the book bloggers community & in addition to this I’ve reached the 5000 followers with the blog and I just CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! I don’t really know how to express how grateful I feel with each person who decides to follow my blog, it makes me happy and I promise that I’ll only improve every day to give you the best of myself. I LOVE YOU and you know I’m always there for you if you need me

Plus, I want to thank every book blogger who has included me in their lists for the Book Blogger Awards nominations, I didn’t expect all the love I received and my heart explodes with joy, thank you SO much, guys, you’re wonderful. ❤️ 

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So during the month of June, I participated in the incredible PopCulture Readathon and my personal goal was simply to read as much as I could, so even though I didn’t read how much I wanted, I read what I could and that’s fine with me, let’s say I made it 😅 This was one of the best and most enjoyable readathons in which I’ve participated, I’m absolutely in love with it and I hope I can participate in the future when I feel like reading more, so I can get more out of it. 😍 Even so, I had a lot of fun, I loved it and I read an incredible fantasy, I participated in a blog tour where I discovered a magical book with an incredible atmosphere, a unique mystery, an unexpected short novel, the end of a series which left me with mixed feelings & I DNF a very popular book. 👏🏻 I also want to talk a little about my current reading, so without further ado, I hope you enjoy the post, remember that I love to know what you think, so let me know everything in the comments, I LOVE YOU & let’s get started! ❄️Read More »

Double Book Review | Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars #1) & Rebel (Legend #4) ⚡️

 ⚡️ Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day, full of good readings! ❤️ Today I bring you two book reviews of books that I’ve recently read and I’m dying to share my thoughts with each one of you. I hope you don’t mind if I do this from time to time, I would make a separate post for each one, but I have everything already organized for the month and I didn’t want to stop sharing the reviews with you. I loved one of the books, a complete fantasy that involves Chinese mythology and a unique basic idea & the other one is one of the most anticipated books of this year! I hope you enjoy and let me know all your thoughts in the comments, I would LOVE to know! ⚡️Read More »

The Stuck At Home Book Tag 🏡

🏡 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having the best day, you’re healthy and safe, I send you my best energy for your day from here and obviously, I hope you have a beautiful weekend.❤️ As you already know, sometimes I really want to bring you something relaxed for Fridays, so I decided to come with this wonderful book tag for which I’ve been tagged by the same creator to do it, she’s Ellyn | allonsythornraxx | who I adore, she’s an amazing blogger so if we don’t know her yet, I highly recommend you check out her blog, you won’t regret it!😍

I LOVE the idea of ​​the tag and I think Ellyn has put it together perfectly, she did a great job, so I’m very excited to do it myself. The idea of ​​this tag is to chat a little about what I’m currently reading, as well as tell you a little about my TBR and recommend some books, it sounds like a lot of fun for me and I hope it’s also for you! 👏🏻 So, without further ado … let’s get started! 🏡

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May TBR | Reading Challenges & Continuing Series: An Ambitious but Exciting Stack 🍂

🍂 Hi, my beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having the most incredible day with the best readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new Monthly TBR, where I share with you my reading plans for the month of May. Super excited for my TBR this month, you know that I’ve been participating in the OWLs the previous month and it was a lot of fun, and I was able to read everything I planned and a little more, so this month I feel quite motivated to continue with that energy and read a lot. 😊 I know and am aware that I may not finish all my readings but even so, I feel so genuinely eager to read each one of these books that I know that at least I’ll be trying and I hope it’s a fun experience and I manage to keep a good reading rhythm. 📚 I’m not participating in any reading challenge other than those that I’ve imposed on myself, so I have put together a very diverse and promising stack to read and I’m excited to share it with you.  👏🏻

I know that I always thank you in my Wrap Ups, but since I’m writing these post with a lot of anticipation, I wanted to thank you again because April has been the best month of the year for my blog and I owe everything to your support, I’ve also had the pleasure and the blessing of being “blog of the day” on Twitter, for the third time! 😍 Which is crazy, but I appreciate it SO SO much and I use all that support as a great incentive to keep working and improving every day. SO HAPPY, I have a lot of fun ideas and discussions and weird posts for this month lol, so I hope you decide to stay there to share it with me and if you’re new and just start following the blog, THANK YOU SO MUCH, it means the world to me! ❤️ 

So going back to my readings, I’ve decided to continue with my personal challenge of reading popular old YA series, and this month you will surely excited as much as I am, I think it’s time that I have an opinion on these SO beloved books. 🥰 Then, you know that I’ve created mini-TBRs in order to read more genres and this month I’ve decided to start with my Sci-Fi stack, so you will see what my choice is, I’m a little nervous about this one, but also intrigued, you know this is a hit or miss genre for me, so we’ll see *fingers crossed* 🚀 
I’ll also be continuing some series that I’m enjoying very much and these continuations really sound AMAZING, and I can’t wait to read about all these characters again. 🌟 
Last but not least, I’ve included an ARC which despite not having heard much about it, sounds very good, and I’m excited to read it. 👍🏻 
So without further ado, I hope you have a wonderful month, and let’s start, I’m SO excited to share with you what I’m going to be reading! 🍂Read More »

TBR Lows & Highs #14 🌙

🌙 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day full of good readings. Super excited cause this weekly series will be focused on helping me clean my Goodreads shelves and also prioritize some readings and organize myself in general. I LOVE this idea, I know that many of you already know it and do it as well, the creator is the incredible Destiny | Howling Libraries | 💫 whom I love as a human being and I respect a lot as a book blogger ❤️, so it’s really a pleasure to start with this new project especially because it’s created by someone who I admire a lot and that makes me very happy, I also really need help to organize my books, So here we go! 👏🏻 

I wanted to give it my own twist to make it more fun and also fit my needs or what I hope to do with my books and my readings. So I’ve decided that as well as Destiny, I’ll be opening voting every week so that you can participate in the whole process and help me decide which books to prioritize, for this: I’ll ask you to vote for one of the books in the “LOWS” section and not only I’ll be adding it to my priority list, but I’ll also be creating my own TBR Jar with each of your choices!. So, every week the book you choose from my selection will be added to my TBR Jar and then at the end of the month, I’ll choose one of them to read and finally give a real chance to it. I’ll not be removing all my “LOWS”, only some if necessary, maybe one per week or sometimes none, I’ll be super honest about them and I hope you can help me make a decision anything can happen in these posts! LOL 🥰 

I hope you like this idea, I think it will be fun, I’ll be cleaning my Goodreads shelves a bit, which is great, but you can also participate in the process and so will have a super interactive experience, so we can all have a little fun ❤️. I hope you enjoy it, thanks for the support always, from the bottom of my heart & LET’S START! 🌙Read More »