Try a Chapter (Cleaning my TBR) || Part 1 || 💫

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 💫 Hi guys!! I hope you’re having a BEAUTIFUL day. 💕 Today I bring you something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but I haven’t had enough time for it until today. I think we all know what this type of book tags is about, but just in case I’ll explain a little. The “Try a Chapter” Book Tag is about taking those books that you’re not sure about, you don’t know if you really want to keep them or let go, and then read the first chapter of each one to finally make a decision. I’d already made one last year, but I try the first chapters of the oldest books on my TBR, if you want to check it I’ll leave it in HERE!. 😊 

Today I bring you the same tag, but with a different twist, as you know I’ve been cleaning my TBR using the book meme: “Down the TBR Hole” and it has honestly helped me a lot, especially since there were books that I didn’t even remember adding and this somehow helps me to be more organized and in this way I let more than 50 books go, which is great. I’ve also reached 21 posts, which are really A LOT of books.

So, what does all this have to do with the book tag, right? Well, I was thinking that it would be a good idea to try the first chapters of those books that despite I keep on my TBR, either because I heard good things about them or because the synopsis was interesting to me, I’m still not sure if I want to read them. There’s a small percentage of the books I “KEEP” on my TBR, of which I still have my doubts about, so I thought it would be fun to start a new post series where I’ll be trying the first chapter of 5 books every 5 “Down the TBR Hole” posts. This means that for every 5 posts I make, I’ll be choosing 5 books of which I’m still not 100% sure and try a chapter of each one to finally decide what to do with them. I also own these books already, of course,  in electronic formats.
I hope you understand what I try to do, anyway once it starts it will be better. 😄 

I’m super excited to show you the first 5 books that I’ll be trying a chapter today, so without further ado let’s start!!❤️ 
I hope you have fun with this and that if you’re interested in any of them or have already read them, let me know everything in the comments! 💫

“Down The TBR Hole” posts where I get today’s books from 

|| #1 || #2 || #3 || #4 || #5 ||

 💫 Try a Chapter TBR 💫


 💫 Starcrossed (Starcrossed #1) by Josephine Angelini || Ok, so I finished the first chapter and it’s quite average. It feels like the typical old paranormal YA when the main character SO perfect but doesn’t know, she just has a best friend because she’s shy, and one of her parents is mystery gone. So far I know that a super handsome guy moved into town and she feels strange things every time she hears his name, so I don’t know, I feel that right now it’s not the book for me.
I laughed a lot with this first chapter, though, because it was so cliche, especially cause she’s such a special girl and is so beautiful that no one can resist looking at her and I was like, really? LOL. Not my cup of tea

 💫 GO 💫

 💫 Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer || I think it sounds very original and could take an interesting turn. The fact that it’s Sci-Fi is a little scary, but beyond that, it seems great that Cinder is a Cyborg, and “the plague” situation I think is very interesting, in fact, I would continue reading just for that and to know what’s happening. I can predict what will happen in terms of romance because it’s a retelling, but I’ll be waiting for something original. *fingers crossed*. In addition, many have told me that the third book is brilliant, so I’ll be reading this in the future to have the best opinion about, I’m curious.

 💫 KEEP 💫

 💫 Mind Games (Mind Games #1) by Kiersten White || OMG, surprisingly I didn’t feel this book at all. I thought I would love it or be excited to read more, but on the contrary, I didn’t like this first chapter. I feel that the plot seems interesting but couldn’t captivate me, nor even felt SO interested in continuing, so sadly I should let this go. Even so, I don’t feel so bad about it because I have other books by the author in which I’m more interested, so I’ll give them priority.

 💫 GO 💫

 💫 The Queen of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling #1) by Erika Johansen ||  Oh MY!!! LOVE IT. I understand why people say that it’s slow, but it has everything I adore in a good fantasy world, and it’s told beautifully, I love the descriptions and I also love that there are many characters and that we know the past and all that. It’s a very long first chapter, though!!, but it entertained me and now I’m excited to continue, so obviously I’ll keep it. I’m looking forward to reading a high-fantasy with a lot of political intrigues and I think this could be perfect

 💫 KEEP 💫

 💫  Passenger (Passenger #1) by Alexandra Bracken|| I really love Alexandra Bracken’s writing style and I adore The Darkest Minds, but this is another book that I don’t feel interesting, this time I read the prologue and the first chapter, and I don’t know, it felt like an eternity, so I can already say that it’s a slow book, which isn’t always a problem but in a highly descriptive book like this one, it usually becomes too much for me. the theme of time travel catches me too much, but I confess that I don’t feel chemistry with this book. I know it sounds weird, but it’s like I don’t feel it, the plot seems a bit odd, and I know it’s not fair to judge a whole book by the first chapter, but is what we’re here for, right?
Sadly I’ll let this one go, even so, I’ll continue reading her future works

 💫 GO 💫

I really enjoy doing this post SO much, there’s something very satisfying in getting books out of my TBR, so I hope you liked it!! 😊  

Let me know everything you think about these books in the comments and let’s talk about it!

find me at 

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39 thoughts on “Try a Chapter (Cleaning my TBR) || Part 1 || 💫

  1. Ahh I felt the same way about Starcrossed and yet I still have it on my shelf lol. I got a little farther than the first chapter though and I does end up getting better (but I don’t remember where I stopped). I think you made excellent choices! I hope you like Cinder and Queen of the Tearling. I read both of those and really enjoyed them.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m SO glad you read both and enjoyed them, that makes me feel even more excited to read it, the beginning of both are already great.
      I hope that if you get to give Starcross another chance, you enjoy it! Anyway, I’m very interested in knowing your thoughts 😊
      I hope you have an INCREDIBLE month 💕


  2. Hi Sofi,
    Noooo, please don’t let “Passenger” go!
    I haven’t read “The Darkest Minds”, so this one was the first book I read from her and I loved it so much.
    I know that it’s a little bit slow, but the characters… !!! Please don’t tell me that the characters didin’t seem interesting to you. Also the places where they travel are beautifully described.
    And the whole story becomes so fascinating after the first chapters.
    Personally, I loved it, also because of the time period from which everything starts.

    Otherwise I really enjoyed this post. I have always wanted to post a Try A Chapter, but I can never choose the books and I don’t know if it will work for me. I’m a mood reader, so I could and up chosing one of them and after very little time putting it down, replacing it with the first one only by a shift of mood.
    I have heard of all the books you mentioned except for “Mind Games”, but I only want to read “The Queen of the Tearling”. I’m happy you are liking it, that means it’s really good, I’ll catch up with it soon.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh, honey!!! I’m so sorry that I let go one you loved! I adored the author so I understand why you’ve loved it, and it makes me super happy. Maybe before letting go, I try a couple more chapters to be sure 😊

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post!! I fully understand what you mean, sometimes I feel that I’m also a mood reader but it all really depends on my mood, that’s why I’ll not do this type of post very often because I fear not being able to read each chapter, I must be in a moment where I really want to, you know?

      OMG, I’m dying to know your thoughts on The Queen of the Tearling!!
      I hope you have a beautiful month 💕


  3. This is such a great method of clearing books off the TBR! I’m glad you’re keeping Cinder, since I loved that series 😀 And I’ve only read the first book in the Queen of the Tearling series, but it was so beautifully written! Hope you love all of the ones you’re keeping!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m SO glad you enjoyed Cinder and the post, honey! I can’t wait to read The Queen of the Tearling, I feel it’s my kind of fantasy, and I think that although I read just a chapter, I think the writing style is very beautiful 💕
      Thank you SO much!!, I hope you have a great month 😊


  4. ahh, I actually had a copy of Passenger in the past, and I tried to read it really badly but I just couldn’t because the writing was so dense and info-dumpy. I don’t think you made the wrong choice letting it go. I also have read the entire Lunar Chronicles, and I enjoyed it so much! Yes, Cinder is pretty predictable, but the world building is so subtly well done and you grow attached to the characters so much that you probably won’t notice. Personally, Scarlet is my fave in the series even though it’s everyone’s least fave 😦 so excited to hear all of your thoughts on them!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh, I’m sorry Passenger hasn’t worked for you, love, I feel that I really made the right decision, I feel bad because I adore the author, but I had it in my TBR forever 😅

      OMG, that’s so exciting!! I LOVE some good characters, so I’ll surely enjoy Lunar Chronicles, I have great expectations!!, I ‘m also excited to start a new series, it always gives me a feeling of emotion lol. I can’t wait 😍

      I hope you enjoy your readings!❤️


  5. Oooh this is such a good idea, I’ve done the Down the TBR meme once as well but maybe I should give the books a decent shot before I just kick them off my shelf 😂 Funnily enough, Starcrossed was the first book I vanished when I did it too!! 😂

    💛 Ngoc

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Oooh, now this sounds like a way to cut my TBR (and maybe my full bookshelves) down!!! 😂
    I enjoyed Cinder, so I’m glad it’s staying. I don’t really know much about the others, but Passenger was on my To Be Bought list… so maybe I’ll skip it?!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. […] Try a Chapter (Cleaning my TBR) || Part 1 – Sofii @ A Book. A Thought.” Oh MY!!! LOVE IT. I understand why people say that it’s slow, but it has everything I adore in a good fantasy world, and it’s told beautifully, I love the descriptions and I also love that there are many characters and that we know the past and all that.” […]

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Oh my, what a fab idea to clear my TBR list thanks for the idea! Really love your short review on the first chapters of these books; some of them are actually on my TBR ☺️💖

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I honestly love this idea and I love the idea of cleaning out your tbr. I have Cinder on my library holds so I’m very excited to start it! I might end up doing this someday and I will definitely credit you ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Ooh I love this post. It’s really interesting to see people’s reactions to the start of a book, especially when they also share the why. I enjoyed Cinder but really need to reread it sometime as my memory’s of it are a bit hazy. Still at least it’s an excuse to reread a series that I know I enjoyed

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m SO glad you’ve liked the post, I really want to do a second part but I have to have enough time to read and describe my thoughts, but even so, I love it, is a lot of fun! 😄
      I hope you enjoy Cinder a lot if you get to re-read it, I would love to hear your opinion about your re-reading 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can imagine, it must take a bit of time to read the first chapters of so many books. It is a good way to reduce your TBR though. And an interesting post to read (:
        Thank you. I’m sure I will once I get to it. I definitely remembering enjoying it – and bits of the plot – but l do find it surprising how much I seem to have forgotten. I’ll let you know what I think once I’ve had a chance to reread it though.

        Liked by 1 person

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