February Wrap Up | Witchy Reads, Out of my Comfort Zone & First DNF of the year 🎍

🎍 Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new post… my February Wrap Up! where I’ll tell you ALL about my readings of the month. I think this has been a pretty good month, but it happened too fast for my taste, I usually enjoy February a lot because it’s the birthday month and everything feels very exciting, but on the other hand, it may be good a good thing that was a fast month because I’m so ready for the colder seasons to come, I’m in need of my beautiful autumn, I can’t wait! 🍂 

As I said, it was my birthday on February 22 🎊, I turned 26, I have a birthday post if you want to check it out, I’m leaving it HERE. So, yeah! has been a truly beautiful month, I’ve spent time with my family and I concluded that I’ve never I felt better than right now, so I can’t complain I had a very nice day with my boyfriend and my loved ones & besides all that, I’m SO SO blessed to have each one of you in my life, I’ve never had so many comments of love and beautiful wishes on my birthday before!! 🥰  It makes me want to cry because it’s really a blessing, you made me feel so special and loved, and you don’t know how much it means to me to have you, SO SO happy to be part of this beautiful community. Thank you, guys! 😭  *feeling shy*

My month was quite good in terms of reading, you’ll see more as always in my statistics, but basically, I read a normal amount for me and I’ve had a couple of books that I’ve loved with all my heart, in general, I enjoyed almost everything I read, which is always a good thing. This year I’m undoubtedly prioritizing reading things that I think I’d like or I’m very curious about, I want to focus more on that instead of the amount I read in itself, you know? 👏🏻 
I participate in the #Februwitchy I had a lot of fun and I read 2 of my favorite books of the year so far thanks to this, so super happy to have participated, I read only two books for the read-a-thon but it’s ok, I just wanted to be part, such a great idea to read about witches, which is something that I LOVE so much. 🧙‍♀️ Spoiler Alert! I’m in fact writing about witches in my own project, so you can imagine how passionate I am.
Then I also read a romance with a lot of hype and pick a book from my TBR Jar, which is full with your choices from my TBR LOWS & HIGHS posts, and you’ll see how it went, but I’m glad to be doing this, is a way to read books that have been in my TBR forever.
Plus, I have a couple of ARCs to talk to you about, one of them was an amazing surprise, probably a great revelation of this 2020. 😍  

Super excited to talk to you about ALL these readings and share my thoughts, I feel so energized today, for some reason, I think I’m feeling the March vibes in me(? lol … Now, Sofi stops talking & Let’s START!, I hope you enjoy. 🎍Read More »

February TBR | First TBR Jar Pick of the Year, ARCs & Witchy Reads 🎍

 🎍 Hi, my beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having the most incredible day with the best readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new Monthly TBR, where I share with you my reading plans for the month of February. This is a super special month for me because it’s my birthday month! YAY! 🎊 I’ve never been a fan of celebrating my birthdays, but this year I feel so blessed with so many good things in my life that I’m really super excited about it and besides being able to celebrate my 26 years with you, nothing makes me happier! 😭 And for this special month, I’ve planned a special stack of books to enjoy and share with you.
I think that seeing the whole picture I had a very good January in readings, I’ve read a lot, I’ve almost completed my TBR and I’ve also reached a record for me in pages read, so I’m very excited to continue with that streak during the year and obviously in this February.

Speaking about my readings, I’m super excited to tell you that I’ll be participating in the #Februwitchy readathon hosted by Asha | A Cat, A Book, and A Cup Of Tea | This readathon takes place throughout the month of February and there’s no specific rule you just have to read books about witches 🧙‍♀️ , and it works both if it has the name witch in the title as if it’s specifically about witches, you know? I leave the link in case you’re interested and want to know more, all you have to do is sing up in a Google Doc, the one that Asha provides you and there you can add your TBR and your books read during the month. It will be a lot of fun! so if you like witches I recommend you check it out. Personally, I’ll not be reading ONLY about witches, but I do have a small stack that has been reserved to participate because you know that I LOVE witches 👏🏻 and there are several books that I’ve been wanting to read for a while, so it’s perfect, I’m doing this as a gift for myself in my birthday month & nothing can be better. 😍 

Then I also have a couple of ARCs, as always, which I feel absolutely blessed to be able to read before their release date & in addition to ALL of this, I have a book that I’ve been wanting to read for months now, with another one that I’ve chosen from my TBR Jar. As you know, I’ve started doing the Lows & Highs posts every Sunday in order to clean my TBR and from there you have chosen a book every week, a book that has gone directly to my TBR Jar, so from there I have chosen one for the month, and I’m a little scared about it, but I think it will be fun to know what I think and share it with you. 😊  So without further ado, I want to jump right into to show you everything I plan to read in the month of February, I hope you enjoy it and thanks for being there ALWAYS 💞, you’re amazing. 🎍Read More »

Try a Chapter (Cleaning my TBR) || Part 1 || 💫

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 💫 Hi guys!! I hope you’re having a BEAUTIFUL day. 💕 Today I bring you something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but I haven’t had enough time for it until today. I think we all know what this type of book tags is about, but just in case I’ll explain a little. The “Try a Chapter” Book Tag is about taking those books that you’re not sure about, you don’t know if you really want to keep them or let go, and then read the first chapter of each one to finally make a decision. I’d already made one last year, but I try the first chapters of the oldest books on my TBR, if you want to check it I’ll leave it in HERE!. 😊 

Today I bring you the same tag, but with a different twist, as you know I’ve been cleaning my TBR using the book meme: “Down the TBR Hole” and it has honestly helped me a lot, especially since there were books that I didn’t even remember adding and this somehow helps me to be more organized and in this way I let more than 50 books go, which is great. I’ve also reached 21 posts, which are really A LOT of books.

So, what does all this have to do with the book tag, right? Well, I was thinking that it would be a good idea to try the first chapters of those books that despite I keep on my TBR, either because I heard good things about them or because the synopsis was interesting to me, I’m still not sure if I want to read them. There’s a small percentage of the books I “KEEP” on my TBR, of which I still have my doubts about, so I thought it would be fun to start a new post series where I’ll be trying the first chapter of 5 books every 5 “Down the TBR Hole” posts. This means that for every 5 posts I make, I’ll be choosing 5 books of which I’m still not 100% sure and try a chapter of each one to finally decide what to do with them. I also own these books already, of course,  in electronic formats.
I hope you understand what I try to do, anyway once it starts it will be better. 😄 

I’m super excited to show you the first 5 books that I’ll be trying a chapter today, so without further ado let’s start!!❤️ 
I hope you have fun with this and that if you’re interested in any of them or have already read them, let me know everything in the comments! 💫Read More »

Down The TBR Hole || #4 ||☕️

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Original background image HERE

 💫 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day! Today I bring you another part of our series, the book meme “Down the TBR Hole”which I’m doing hoping that it will help me to reduce the number of books that are in my current TBR. 
My plan is to upload this meme every week where I’ll show you 5 books of which I’ll choose which one I’ll keep or get rid of. I want to make this weekly meme as interactive as possible, so I’ll be consulting a lot with you, to decide what to do. There will be those books which I’ll be interested in (Keep), those which I’ll not be interested in anymore (GO) and those which I’ll not be sure about, and with those, I’ll need your help. So please, let me know all your thoughts in the comments and I’ll be able to take my decision and let you know in the next post. 💫

I’m very happy because I’ve seen that you have participated a lot in the previous post, leaving me your comments, so I’m super excited to continue with this weekly meme.
If you’re doing the same meme right now, let me know so I can check your post out and leave my thoughts there 💖Read More »

The ABC Book Challenge|C|☕️

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 ☕️I’ve been looking for something new and fun to bring to the blog and I’ve seen this challenge everywhere so it really catches my attention, and I’m more than happy and excited to start with this “ABC book challenge”.
I’ll be uploading a post every week sharing with you my most memorable titles and the books that are still on my TBR, corresponding to each letter of the alphabet, this time with the letter “C“.

I don’t know who is the original creator of this challenge, so if you know, please let me know in the comments. Personally I’ve seen this challenge/tag in the blogs of Tiana (The Book Raven) and Jacquie (Rattle the Stars), both are adorable people and their blogs are amazing so, please, check them, you’ll not regret it
I really hope you enjoy this post series a lot, it’s long so I hope to do my best and my goal with it is that we can all share our thoughts about the books that I’ll show you and as always, have a lot of fun.
Without more further ado, let’s start!☕️ Read More »