Top 5 | Books with Morally-Gray Main Characters 🔥

 🔥 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day & a great start to the week, as I always tell you, I hope you’re also enjoying all your readings.❤️ Today I’m super excited to return with another top 5 that could also be a recommendation post because I love each one of these books with all my heart, so obviously, I highly recommend them, especially if, as the title says, you enjoy the morally-gray main characters. 👏🏻 What do I mean by this? Well, I know that we all have different concepts about what a “morally-gray” character is, for me, this means having a character who’s capable of doing anything to achieve his goals, characters that have dark actions or do something immoral during his journey or can also refer, in my personal opinion, to those characters that change as time passes and become vengeful and power-hungry. Today I’ve brought all those types of characters in these incredible 5 books, this time I wanted to focus on the main characters as such because I’ve read other books with these types of characters but they have secondary roles or the “villains” role as such, you know? so I wanted to put them aside to bring you this type of character as the main focus of the plot. 😊 

I hope this type of recommendation is for you and is something that you can enjoy, you know that I always try to bring you very varied recommendations & tops, so that no matter what your jam is you can find something for you, so if this time this is not something you interested in, that’s ok and I respect it, soon I bring another with brave characters and more of the heroes type, which I also personally love. 🥰 

I love you ALWAYS, thank you for the love and support you gave me and above all for your kind words about the new look of the blog 💞, with which I’m super happy, you can see that I’ve changed the fonts because it seemed to me that was too small before and it was very difficult to read, so I hope now it feels more comfortable for you. 🥺
I hope you enjoy it a lot, go get yourself something to drink and eat, make yourself comfortable, and enjoy the top 5LET’S START!

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TOP 5 | Atmospheric Book Recommendations | #2 🌿

🌿 Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day, full of good readings, and of course, you’re safe and healthy.❤️ Today I returned with the second part of my atmospheric book recommendations, it made me SO SO happy to see that you liked the first top 5, so I’m super excited to bring you more amazing recs of books that, of course, I’ve read and enjoyed myself and feel that you could too. So here, as I said in the first post, I’ll be sharing books with wonderful & vivid settings, others somewhat creepy, but above all beautiful and 100% atmospheric. 👏🏻 The idea came out to me because I honestly LOVE this feature in books, it’s one of my favorite factors when I choose what to read and it always ends up having a great impact on my enjoyment, I just adore atmospheric books, when you feel that you can be in the place where the characters are and especially when you feel that you’re surrounded by that immensity or that landscape so vivid that you can almost touch, smell and feel everything around you. This is a feeling that I adore with my heart, so what I want with these posts is that you can also find a book that can make you feel all that and much more while enjoying the story and managing to fully commit yourself to the plot. 😍
I would love to know your opinion and your own recommendations for me, I’ll be adding MANY books to my TBR, so don’t hesitate to let me know everything in the comments. 🥰
Now without further ado, let’s begin, I’m super excited to share this very atmospheric top with you & I hope you enjoy. 🌿Read More »

The Stuck At Home Book Tag 🏡

🏡 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having the best day, you’re healthy and safe, I send you my best energy for your day from here and obviously, I hope you have a beautiful weekend.❤️ As you already know, sometimes I really want to bring you something relaxed for Fridays, so I decided to come with this wonderful book tag for which I’ve been tagged by the same creator to do it, she’s Ellyn | allonsythornraxx | who I adore, she’s an amazing blogger so if we don’t know her yet, I highly recommend you check out her blog, you won’t regret it!😍

I LOVE the idea of ​​the tag and I think Ellyn has put it together perfectly, she did a great job, so I’m very excited to do it myself. The idea of ​​this tag is to chat a little about what I’m currently reading, as well as tell you a little about my TBR and recommend some books, it sounds like a lot of fun for me and I hope it’s also for you! 👏🏻 So, without further ado … let’s get started! 🏡

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Underrated Books by Well-Known Authors || 🍃

 🍃 Hi guys! I hope you’re all having the best day and especially, enjoying your current reading. 💕 Today I had this idea to write you a recommendation post, but then something came to my mind and I couldn’t ignore it, so I think it will become a beautiful post *fingers crossed*, the idea is to highlight underrated books that have been written by well-known authors, I’ll mention the more well-known and loved works of each author as well, but I’ll focus on one book that although it doesn’t have so much recognition personally I think they’re incredible and deserve more love.

Sometimes we know an author for one of his most outstanding works, but this doesn’t mean that his other works aren’t as good or even better, each book that I’ll mention below is worth highlighting because I’ve read and enjoyed them a lot, but above all because I feel that not many people have given them a chance, so my mission here is that maybe some of these titles interest you and you decide to add them to your TBR. 🥰 You know that I love being part of the growth of your endless stack to read, so I really hope you enjoy the post and find new books. 😊 

Of course, I would love to know if you have read some of these books and I want you to give me your recommendation and your thoughts on each of the authors that I’ll mention below, without further ado let’s start! 🍃Read More »

November 2019 New Book Releases 🔥

🔥 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day. 💕 Super excited to share this type of post with you, because these incredible titles never stop coming out! Bad for our wallet, but Good for our heart, right?!. LOVE to say that lol
I think you already know what it’s about, but in case you don’t, here I’ll share with you the new books releases that I’m most excited about of the month, which possibly I’ll be adding to my TBR, and I’ll end up reading at some point (hopefully), and we can also share our thoughts about it!.

PS: This month is crazy because I would literally make eternal lines to get and read any of these books, SO MANY good releases in November, someone saves me 😂

So, I hope you like it, that you can find new books & let’s start! 🔥Read More »

Book Recommendations || Spooky Edition 🕯️

🕯️ Hi guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, full of fantastic readings. 🧡 Today I was really looking forward to bringing you some recommendations, you know that I love to recommend books that I’ve read and enjoyed, but I haven’t done one of these in a while and I need to change that, so here I am! 👏🏻 
Because Halloween is very close and October is the horror month, I’ve decided to make of this post a top 5 with some of my favorite spooky readings. I don’t usually read much horror, really, but I do love reading books with creepy atmospheres and dark stories, mystery, and suspense, so each of these books will surely have some of those characteristics. They may not be books that scare you to death, but they’ll surely make you live a whole experience of tension and suspense, on the edge of your seat. 😱 
I hope you enjoy the post and that you decide to read some of these disturbing stories, I’ll really recommend each one of them and I would love to know your thoughts.

P.S: My intention with this post isn’t just to recommend books that I loved, but I also think that these are spooky books I don’t hear about too much and I believe with all my soul that they deserve greater recognition because they’re BRILLANT, the books, and their authors. I hope I can surprise you with books you haven’t heard enough about yet, and hopefully, you can find a new favorite  💫 

I’m super excited so … let’s get started! 🕯️Read More »

Try a Chapter (Cleaning my TBR) || Part 1 || 💫

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 💫 Hi guys!! I hope you’re having a BEAUTIFUL day. 💕 Today I bring you something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but I haven’t had enough time for it until today. I think we all know what this type of book tags is about, but just in case I’ll explain a little. The “Try a Chapter” Book Tag is about taking those books that you’re not sure about, you don’t know if you really want to keep them or let go, and then read the first chapter of each one to finally make a decision. I’d already made one last year, but I try the first chapters of the oldest books on my TBR, if you want to check it I’ll leave it in HERE!. 😊 

Today I bring you the same tag, but with a different twist, as you know I’ve been cleaning my TBR using the book meme: “Down the TBR Hole” and it has honestly helped me a lot, especially since there were books that I didn’t even remember adding and this somehow helps me to be more organized and in this way I let more than 50 books go, which is great. I’ve also reached 21 posts, which are really A LOT of books.

So, what does all this have to do with the book tag, right? Well, I was thinking that it would be a good idea to try the first chapters of those books that despite I keep on my TBR, either because I heard good things about them or because the synopsis was interesting to me, I’m still not sure if I want to read them. There’s a small percentage of the books I “KEEP” on my TBR, of which I still have my doubts about, so I thought it would be fun to start a new post series where I’ll be trying the first chapter of 5 books every 5 “Down the TBR Hole” posts. This means that for every 5 posts I make, I’ll be choosing 5 books of which I’m still not 100% sure and try a chapter of each one to finally decide what to do with them. I also own these books already, of course,  in electronic formats.
I hope you understand what I try to do, anyway once it starts it will be better. 😄 

I’m super excited to show you the first 5 books that I’ll be trying a chapter today, so without further ado let’s start!!❤️ 
I hope you have fun with this and that if you’re interested in any of them or have already read them, let me know everything in the comments! 💫Read More »

One Cozy Reading Nook & One Book 🌵

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Original background image HERE

 🌵 Hi guys!, I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day 😊. Before starting with today’s post I want to tell you that because I’ve been sick I haven’t been reading that much, my power of concentration is none, right now, but I’ll try to finish with the two books I’m currently reading this month on the next days, and then write a review for them but next month.
Returning to our post of the day, I was on Pinterest last night and something came to my mind. I was watching these beautiful reading nooks and I thought that I could combine them with a book and create a recommendation post.
The idea of ​​One Cozy Reading Nook & One Book is all about visuals, I’ll show you a beautiful reading nook and based on that picture I’ll recommend a book that would be perfect to enjoy in that place 👍🏻 
I hope this makes sense to you and it didn’t end up being like the strangest post of my life lol.
You’ve probably already noticed this, but I’ve been in the mood to recommend things lately lol, so I thought that this idea was fun to continue recommending some books that I’ve enjoyed a lot. This time I’ll try to mention books that I never mention or that I think deserve more love and, hopefully, you’ll find your next reading! 💞  
I LOVE YOU guys, you’re are the best, I’m always here feeling your support and it makes me immensely happy, so now without more further ado, Let’s start! 🌵Read More »

Down The TBR Hole || #8 ||☕️

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💫 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day! Today I bring you another part of our series, the book meme “Down the TBR Hole”which I’m doing hoping that it will help me to reduce the number of books that are in my current TBR. 
My plan is to upload this meme every week where. (I’m glad that now you want to see more books in this post so I decided to do 10 books per post instead of 5, not only will it be MUCH more entertaining and fun, because we’ll have more books to talk about, but I’ll also be able to clean my TBR faster which is great!) so, I’ll show you 10 books of which I’ll choose which one I’ll keep or get rid of. I want to make this weekly meme as interactive as possible, so I’ll be consulting a lot with you, to decide what to do. There will be those books which I’ll be interested in (Keep), those which I’ll not be interested in anymore (GO) and those which I’ll not be sure about, and with those, I’ll need your help. So please, let me know all your thoughts in the comments and I’ll be able to take my decision and let you know in the next post. 💫

I’m very happy because I’ve seen that you have participated a lot in the previous post, leaving me your comments, so I’m super excited to continue with this weekly meme.
If you’re doing the same meme right now, let me know so I can check your post out and leave my thoughts there 💖Read More »