The Awesome Blogger Award 🍃

🍃 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day, full of good readings and magical moments.❤️ Today I feel SO honored to return with a new book award, which I’ve been nominated for. You know that I’m catching up with my tag & awards, so I hope you understand, I am slowly getting there, I promise and, meanwhile, I hope you enjoy with me and we can share a little more to get to know each other better. I have been nominated for “The Awesome Blogger Award” for, in fact, the AWESOME Marie | Drizzle & Hurricane books | who I adore with all my heart because she’s an adorable and wonderful person but also someone who respects and admires a lot as a blogger for her incredible content, surely you already know who she is because she deserves ALL the love she receives and even more, but if you don’t then you have to visit it, I couldn’t recommend her blog enough, I’m sure you’ll love it! 🥰 

This is a super new award for me, I’d never heard of it or seen anyone do it, so I feel very happy and excited to have been nominated. I’ll be answering some questions about myself, bookish & no-bookish related, so I hope you like it, enjoy it and of course, leave me all your thoughts in the comments, I LOVE to talk to you. 😍 So without further ado … LET’S START! 🍃

The award was created by Maggie @Dreaming of Guatemala. This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.

The Awesome Blogger Award Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Credit the creator
  • Tag this post with #AwesomeBloggerAward
  • Answer all the questions given to you
  • Nominate some people
  • Write 10 questions for them to answer

 🍃 What’s an underrated read you’d recommend EVERYONE to read? 🍃

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You know that I LOVE to talk about underrated books because I have many that I love. In fact, I have a post talking about my favorite underrated series, in case you want to check it out. And this time I’ll choose The Grace Year by Kim Liggett because although it was quite mentioned at the time, then kind of disappeared from the radar and I haven’t seen anyone talking about it, so I want to mention it because it really deserves it, it’s AMAZING.
It’s an absolutely heartbreaking story of a society where women must go through atrocious things and it’s about a revolution within this society. There are very strange traditions and customs happening, so if you like atmospheric and creepies stories, you can’t miss this one. It has such a powerful message behind, I really can’t believe there aren’t more people talking about it, deserves more love.

🍃 Do you like book series, or do you prefer standalone reads? 🍃

Being honest, I really don’t care if it’s a series or standalone, if it sounds good, I’ll read it lol. On the one hand, I like standalone books because you know you’re reading something that has a conclusion, you know? and it’s very satisfying, but on the other hand, I love series because if you like the plot and the characters, you can enjoy them much longer, even so, I prefer to read series when several books have already come out because I hate to wait.  🤓 

 🍃 What are some of your favorite book-to-movie (or tv show!) adaptations? 🍃 


I wanted to put aside the movies of Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Maze Runner & Narnia because although I love them all, they’re always very mentioned, so I wanted to give rise to another 4 that I LOVE. Of course, I have A LOT more, I love watching movies, so I think it would be fun to make a full post on this topic!  😍 

 🍃 Do you have any reading goals for this year? 🍃 

Well, I have a whole post talking about my goals for this year, but some of them are reading 70 books & reading some popular old series

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 🍃 What’s your favorite thing about your book blog? TIME TO SHOWER YOURSELF WITH LOVE 🍃 

Oh, WOW, I’ve never thought about it … it’s SO hard when you have to talk about yourself lol. I honestly love my blog a lot, I know it’s not perfect and I still need to grow in many aspects, but I really appreciate my way to get where I am and every day I like it more. I think one of the things I hope to convey to you is that this is a relaxed place to talk about books and other topics. I also spend a lot of time editing my posts, so they look pretty and easy to read, so I hope to be accomplishing my mission. 🥰 

 🍃 What’s your favorite place to interact with the bookish community? (comments, twitter, instagram…) 🍃 

Any place is the right place to interact, but right now I enjoy Twitter and here in my comments or on other people’s blogs, where I LOVE to comment. Maybe one day I’ll expand my horizons and feel confident enough to have a Bookstagram, but it must be something that I do and feel’s right for me, you know? … I’m a perfectionist, so if I’m not sure that I could give 100% of myself for something I prefer to wait. For now, I’m happy with the interaction I have with you & I hope you’re happy as well  😊 

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 🍃 Do you have a favorite song? 🍃 

I don’t think I have a favorite song because I have about 200 lol, so I’m putting here the one with which I am most obsessed right now and I can’t stop listening to  💃🏻 


 🍃 What are some of your favorite bloggers (bookish or not)? 🍃 

I have like a love-hate feel for these kinds of questions because I don’t want to leave anyone out, so I’ll mention some of my faves book blogs, but this is not all of them, ok?. If you want to see me expand my love for incredible posts, I’m making a series every month where I share my favorite posts around the blogosphere and thus express my love. 👏🏻 

Some of my fave blogs are Sprinkles of Dreams | The Orangutan Librarian | Bookmark Your Thoughts | Drizzle and Hurricane books | Whimsy Pages | Pages Unbound | Howling Libraries | Caitlin Althea  & Local Bee Hunter’s Little Nook

 🍃 If you could live any place in the world, imaginary or not, where would it be? 🍃 

I would live in London, no doubt, even though I’ve never gone I feel that it’s my place in the world. I’d love living there and maybe one day I will, why not, right? I LOVE LONDON!

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 🍃 Describe your perfect reading nook! 🍃 

Oh, I LOVE reading nooks SO MUCH. Perfect for me would be a cozy reading nook with a gray armchair & white and blush pink decorations. I would also love plants around and obviously a lamp … I LOVE when they’re near a window as well and the breeze goes inside. That sounds ideal to me.  😍 


(I’m cheating and I’m using Marie’s questions too, I hope you don’t mind, honey. ❤️ I really don’t have time to do mine right now & I LOVE Marie’s questions, so I think it will be fun to know what you think!)

  1. What’s an underrated read you’d recommend EVERYONE to read?
  2. Do you like book series, or do you prefer standalone reads?
  3. What are some of your favorite book-to-movie (or tv show!) adaptations?
  4. Do you have any reading goals for this year?
  5. What’s your favorite thing about your book blog? TIME TO SHOWER YOURSELF WITH LOVE. ❤
  6. What’s your favorite place to interact with the bookish community? (comments, twitter, instagram…)
  7. Do you have a favorite song?
  8. What are some of your favorite bloggers (bookish or not)?
  9. If you could live any place in the world, imaginary or not, where would it be?
  10. Describe your perfect reading nook!


 Narrative Paradise | The Voracious Bibliophile | Kristin Kraves Books | Susy’s Cozy World | One More Word | The Literary HuntressThe Book DragonessProse & Pancakes | Socially Awkward Bookworm

Credits for the source of the original image HERE

I hope you enjoyed the post, guys! 🥰 
Let me know, What your favorite books-to-movie adaptation is? & How would your perfect reading nook be?

 🍃 Let me know everything in the comments, you know I love to know what you think 🍃 

Goodreads Twitter | Pinterest

41 thoughts on “The Awesome Blogger Award 🍃

  1. Marie!!! She’s such a sweetheart!! And congrats on the award!! Totally well deserved because you are SUPER awesome!

    70 books?!?!?! Ya … I’m aiming for 40 haha!!! Awe … Narnia! I actually loved the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe adaptation … Especially the battle scene!

    I wish I loved Twitter … But I just can’t get into it at all!! And I’m so happy you love your blog! That’s such a positive thing to read. I love yours as well! It’s very aesthetically pleasing ♥️

    I just got to the fav blog part … YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART!!! I know I tell you this a lot, but it’s true!! Thank you so much!!! You’re one of my favs too!!!! You have such an expression and strong voice in your posts, it’s amazing!

    I also feel the London vibe … Though I’ve never been haha!

    I loved reading your answers! Great post, darlin’!! ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you SO SO SO much, honey, for all those beautiful words, it means so much to me that you’re there supporting me, you’re INCREDIBLE! *virtual hug* 🥰

      Good luck with your reading goal this year! I’m sure you can achieve it & SAME!! I used to love that movie, remembered me when I was younger 😍

      Oh, I completely understand, sometimes Twitter or any social network really, it can be stressful. Oh, thanks, it makes me so happy that you like & YAY!! London Vibes, ALWAYS 👏🏻

      I’m SO glad you liked the post and I hope you have the best day and you’re enjoying your reading right now ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAGGING ME YOU’RE SO SWEET ❤ I totally agree that your posts are so easy to read!! I love the way you format them with all the little images and the layout of your blog. And I really want to watch To all the Boys I Loved Before – I don't have Netflix so hopefully they'll release a DVD set I can get from the library! I can't wait to do this tag!! I'm so excited 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thank you SO SO much for your beautiful words, makes me SO happy, love! You’re so incredibly sweet 💞 & no problem, I’m super excited to read your answers! 😍
      Oh, you’ll surely love To all the Boys I Loved Before! it’s so adorable, I watched it with my boyfriend and we both loved it 💞

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s a great tag, and very fitting for you because you ARE awesome. Loved your answers, and the best thing about London is that there is just so much to do, so it would be a cool place to live in that way.


  4. Thank you for the tag, Sofii!

    My friend has been telling me to listen to Selena Gomez’s new album! If you like it, it must be good!

    London seems like a very exciting place to live! It might be that I’ve watched “The Parent Trap” too many times, but I still think so!

    Thanks again for the tag! I can’t wait to post my answers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome, honey! I can’t wait to know your answers, it will be super fun! 🥰

      Selena Gomez’s new album is EVERYTHING, I’ve never been the biggest fan of her songs in the past, but this one it’s absolutely brilliant, I can’t stop listening to it
      OMG, The Parent Trap is my childhood! 😍

      I hope you have the best day ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve never gone to London ? Indeed it’s such a cool place Sofii! It’s like my second home there and I go at least once a year. I hope you’ll get to visit one day soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for the tag, Sofii! 💖💖 I haven’t visited London either, but I really feel that I’ll love it there lol. And probably Ireland. 🤭 My favorite place to interact with people is WordPress, but I love Twitter too (but I’m way too anxious that I barely ever tweet lol). I loved your answers and I know for a fact that I’m going to enjoy answering these questions!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome, love! I can’t wait to see your answers & OMG, Ireland is also such a beautiful place, I’ve never gone, but I’ve seen photos and stuff, and it looks SO beautiful. Oh, I feel you! For my part, I can spend days without tweeting anything, just checking and stuff lol.
      I hope you have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️


  7. Thank you so much for mentioning me Sofii!! You’re one of my favs as well ❤
    I think I don't enjoy book to movies adaptations all that much (usually I either read the thing OR watch the thing) but I really liked the adaptation of Good Omens! It was so much fun!
    Loved your answers and getting to know you more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. «The Grace Year» is definitely on my TBR!!! I need to get it from somewhere very soon, and I love that pink cover so much.

    Thank you so much for including me!! Your blogging voice is amazing, hun. I hope you’ll continue blogging for many many years because I definitely will always remain the faithful reader ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Grace Year is absolutely heartbreaking but so addictive and incredible, I really hope you enjoy it once you read it. I would love to know your thoughts. 😍

      Aw, honey! *emotional face* Thank you SO SO much, that means so much to me coming from you, I adore your way of expressing yourself, your writing is one of my favorites around the blogosphere and you know that I’m always here rooting for you ❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ahh, I can’t believe that you’d consider me one of your favorite bloggers 😭💕 I’m so unbelievably honored, especially because I consider you one of my faves!!
    Honestly, I love a lot of things about your blog. You’re so right that it’s a relaxed place to just talk about books and I love how all your posts look. It’s so easy to see that you put a lot of work into formatting and post design! I also love that you’re genuinely so kind and friendly 💛 Your love for books, blogging, and your audience is so obvious, and that’s why I have so much fun visiting your blog!
    (and same, living in London is the ultimate DREAM)

    Liked by 1 person

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