Catching Up!: Favorite Books of 2021 🌟 

 🌟 Hi guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, safe and surrounded by the best reading! ❤️ Today I come up with another post where we catch up a little with some book lists that are always super entertaining not only to do but also I love to share them with you! 👏🏻 so I hope you’re liking the idea. Today we have a post that would be kind of like the second part after “my least-favorite books of 2021” where we will talk about the opposite of that, of MY FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2021! 😍 

As I had already mentioned in my previous post, I love this kind of post where we close the year with some lists, and I know it’s a little late, but you know, I came back after my break and I still feel it’s fun and worth doing.
In this post, you will find 5 books, which I’ve chosen as my favorites of last year, my thoughts about each one, as well as their ratings and links to Goodreads, in case you want to add them, which I hope you do because they’re AMAZING! Oh, and also links to
my full Book Review in case you want to know more about the book totally spoilers-free. I’m very happy especially because I have a very interesting variety in terms of genres and styles, so maybe there will be one that catches your attention and is perfect for you.⚡️ 

I always like to clarify before I start that these are just my opinions and it’s not the absolute truth of all things, I know we all have different tastes and preferences when it comes to reading and that’s perfect and super respectable so with that in mind, I’d love to know what you think about each book below and if you’ve read it what was your experience with it!  😊 

The order of the books this time will also be from least favorite to most favorite, although honestly if the book made it to my list it’s because I 100% loved it, and it deserves its place, so regardless of the order they’re wonderful stories that are worth reading. 🔥 
So well, loves, I hope this is something you enjoy a lot, that you find books to add to your “priority list” or add them to your TBR, whatever it is I would love to know your opinion, so don’t hesitate to share it with me. 🥰 Now, yes, without further ado, LET’S GET STARTED! 🌟 

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5-Star Book Predictions Update 🌟

 🌟 Hi, hermosos amigos! I hope you’re having a wonderful day surrounded by the best readings! ❤️ Today, I decided to bring you an update or something like a wrap-up of my 5-star book predictions, not only of the lists I’ve made for this year, but we’ll also review those predictions from last year to see how I’ve done. 😊 I was going through some old posts these days, thinking about what post to do and I realized that I had never brought you a complete update as such of all the 5-star prediction lists I’ve done over the years, and you know I LOVE doing those types of posts, as I think they’re a lot of fun, so I thought it was time to have all those books organized in one post to also review if I’ve been right about some of these readings with my predictions. 🤔
I think it will be fun to chat a little bit about each of these books, honestly, I was surprised to see that I’ve read most of them already, almost without realizing it, but I love it because this is a great opportunity to bring you this post 💫, share a little bit with you and obviously chat about how right I was about each book and which ones I’ve ended up being disappointed with.
I’d also love it if you could share your 5-star predictions with me, and I’d love to know how you’ve been doing with that! 👏🏻 

Obviously, I plan to create another one of these lists with new books soon, as I love doing it, it’s a great challenge that without even knowing it keeps you pretty motivated to read, so not only I’ll continue to do it, but I highly recommend it if you haven’t tried it yet. 🥰 It’s an interesting way to see how much you really know about yourself, what things you like to read or which ones are really for you and which ones aren’t.
Personally, I think it’s a lot of fun, so… I hope this will be a relaxed post, just to review a few of my past readings and have a post solely dedicated to my 5-star predictions. I hope you like it a lot, that you decide to share all your opinions with me and without further ado, LET’S GET STARTED!

‼️ PS: Any rating of 4.5-star will be taken as a win for me and as a completed goal, since by my standards a 4.5-star rating is too close to perfection, I’m just a bit picky sometimes. I’ll still take them as 5-star in this post.

 💞 All the links you need will be below, so you can check out my full reviews or add the book to your bookshelves.

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Top 10 | 5-Stars Worthy Magical & Paranormal Books 🌙

 🌙 Hi, bookish friends! How are you today? I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and are enjoying the best reads.❤️ Today I’m super excited and happy to bring you the third part of this top 10 series I’ve been doing for a few months now, and I’m more than happy to continue this series, ending for now with what will be my top 10 books of magical realism, magical touches in general and some paranormal tones as well, books that, of course, I think are 5 stars worthy. 👏🏻👏🏻 If you’re interested in knowing a bit about the other previous posts, I’ll leave them right here so you can take a look at them: on one side we have, 5-Stars Worthy Contemporary Books & on the other side, 5-Stars Worthy High-Fantasy Books.
You may have already noticed that it wasn’t easy for me to give a specific title to this top because it makes more sense in my head than when I explain it for some reason 😅, but I hope it makes sense to you. What I wanted to do, in general, is to put in this top all those books that despite having fantasy touches none of them fit in the category of high-fantasy, and on the other hand, I also have books here that are contemporary but with strong touches of magic-realism, magic in general or that have some darker and paranormal aspect or out of the ordinary, you know? 🌟 I know it sounds complicated, but I swear it will make sense once you see them all together, as
I think they fit perfectly into this rare but magical category, which I must also confess that has some of my favorite books, so I’m super excited to share the list with you. 😊

Of course, I hope you can find new books to add to your TBR, and maybe read at some point, also you know I LOVE to know what you think, so feel free to tell me all about it in the comments and we can chat a bit. 🥰 Thank you SO much for supporting this series as well as every blog post, it means a lot to me, and now YES! get ready for lots of charming titles, get comfy, find your favorite drink & let’s get started! 🌙 

 💕 This post may contain too many beautiful covers, I recommend discretion.

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Top 5 | Books with Shocking & Impressive Writing Styles 🌪

 🌪 Hello friends, I hope you’re having a great day, full of the best reading! ❤️ Today as always, I’m super excited to bring you a new post to the blog, this time one dedicated to the authors of these books more than the books themselves, you know? 👏🏻 It will be about those books that impacted me a lot or left me blow away because of their outstanding and impressive writing styles, so because we’ll be talking about writing styles, we’ll talk about the talent that these authors have when creating stories, this time I’ll highlight five different authors and five of what I personally think are their best works so far. 😍 
This post will obviously be 100% my personal opinion, I know we all have different views about these authors and the books I’ll mention, and that’s fine, but I still wanted to make it clear.
In this case, I have unwittingly and unintentionally chosen five authors of whom I have already read more than one book, and I think that somehow that has made me really impressed with their level of writing, which has only been growing and evolving for the better. 😊
Besides that, I love these five stories, and I think they’re pretty heart-hitting, which I didn’t do on purpose either, lol, but I guess they’re my kind of book, so it makes sense that they’re the ones I’ve chosen. ⚡️ 

What do I mean by “Shocking Writing Styles”? 🤔 Well, with this, and as I already mentioned as my personal opinion, they’re those styles that leave me really impressed, and with that “WOW” feeling after reading them, you know? They’re those readings that make me feel almost present inside the stories and super close to the characters, those that invite me to get really involved with what’s happening and feel each situation like my own, you know? Those kinds of feelings of realism and engagement are, for me, feelings that only a very advanced and good writing style can achieve. 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 Sometimes this kind of reading can take you through a lot of emotions even, and that’s a big plus for me, because I’m that kind of reader that likes to feel very intensely what’s happening when I read a book; otherwise it can still be an enjoyable and light reading, but it won’t have that same meaning for me.
As the last point and to start the post, I want to clarify that with all this, I don’t think that the lightest and funniest readings can’t have an incredible writing style; in fact, I don’t think it has anything to do with that, but most with the author’s personal style and their way of telling stories.

Now yes, without further ado, I hope you can find new readings to add to your TBR, readings that I hope will take you to travel incredible journeys, dream, love, cry and live unforgettable moments together with the characters. 🥰 I love YOU 💕, thanks for the love of always & now yes, I hope you enjoy it and LET’S BEGIN!!! 🌪 

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Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag | 2021 ⛅️

⛅️ Hi guys, I hope you’re having a great day, full of the best reads.❤️ Today, guess what? I bring you one of the most iconic book tags of the community, the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag!!! Where I’ll share with you a lot of info about my reads of the year so far, from those books I loved to those that disappointed me, and more fun stuff.  😍
I’m super excited to share this post with you because besides being fun to do, I also like to know your opinions and then chat a bit about it; I think that’s also the fun part of this process.
It’s also an excellent way to see how I’ve been doing it during the year with regards to the books I’ve been reading and all that; anyway, I won’t be stressing about it, I’ll just focus on making it fun, and maybe it will be fun for you too. 😊 
I’ve been tagged to do this by
Caro from Bookcheshirecat  🌹 & Amy from A Fangirl’s Opinion, so thank you SO much, my beautiful friends, for having me in mind and tag me; otherwise, I’m a mess and always forget to do the tag lol. Of course, you can’t miss their blogs, both are beautiful, and their content is fantastic so you won’t regret it.  👏🏻👏🏻 

So before I start, as always, I like to take a little moment to thank you for being there in every post, commenting and supporting my content, also
thank you so much for the constant love; I swear I feel it deep inside my heart, and I appreciate it immensely. 🥰
Now, without further ado, remember I LOVE to know what you think, so feel free to let me know everything and LET’S GET STARTED! I’m excited and a little nervous; it will be fun.

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Book Recommendations | Perfect Books for Transitioning Between Seasons ⛅️

⛅️ Hi, amores! I hope you’re having a beautiful day and an amazing start to the week, obviously, full of the most wonderful readings! ❤️ Today super excited to bring you a recommendation post after a long time of having made one, you know that I LOVE recommending books, but I like to give it a little twist making it more entertaining and fun, so this time I had the idea to recommend those books that under my point of view are perfect to read during those months of the year where the seasons are changing. 🙌🏻 I hope you friends understand what I mean by this, but just in case, I’ll be more specific about my idea, the books that I’ll talk about next are, on the one hand, books that I’ve read and really loved, but they’re also perfect books to read while we’re moving from one season to another to adapt to a different climate and/or time of year.
I’ve also decided to add a couple more books per season, but this time books that belong to my TBR, cause although I haven’t read them yet I think they have themes, ideas, plot bases, or atmospheres similar to those respective books that I do have read, you know? especially to be able to bring you a greater number of titles that you can add to your TBR and enjoy! 🥰
I love to make recommendations based on climates or seasons, but I don’t like to focus only on one season since we all live in different hemispheres, so I prefer to make a more general post, so we can all participate.
I hope you enjoy the post very much, that it’s an idea that you like & that above all, you can find new books to add to your TBR and read at some point. 💫 
I LOVE you deeply, infinite thanks for always being there supporting me with each post, and without further ado, LET’S START! ⛅️

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Book Review | The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

TitleThe Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

By: V.E. Schwab


Pages: 448

PublishedOctober 6th, 2020

By: Tor Books

Genre: Adult – Historical Fantay – Romance

Buy itBook Depository | Amazon

A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget.

France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.

Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.

But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name. 

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March Wrap Up & April TBR | I Finally Read SOME BOOKS! | Mini-Spooky Book List & Some 5-star Predictions 🍂

 🍂 Hi, guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day, full of good readings & incredible moments!! ❤️ SO happy to have a moment to be able to share with you everything that I’ve been reading in the month of March plus, everything that I plan and will try to read during this month of April. 🌟 Every time I have the chance to sit down to write a post this year it’s like a double blessing since I don’t have much time on my hands, so I’m really happy to be here guys, as always! So this month has been super positive for me in terms of reading, but we will talk about it a little later, now I wanted to take the space to thank you for the support you have given me as a person and also to the blog this month, it means a lot. Especially with respect to my “DEFINITIVE BOOK BLOGGER LIST which I must say I’m very proud of, I think tourn out beautiful and also quite organized which I intended, also I’m very pleased that more of you can interact and support each other thanks to this list, and also share each other contents, give likes, and comment, I think that after all the controversy that has occurred recently regarding how little we are valued as book bloggers in the bookish community in general, we need more love 🥰, so this has been the perfect time to publish the list and thus show my support and be able to amplify our voices in some way, I know that we’re brilliant, we’re valuable and we do incredible and hard work with our contents so without a doubt, we deserve better and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.  👏🏻 

We Got This Confidence GIF by The Bachelor - Find & Share on GIPHY

In terms of reading this March has been great! 😄 in fact much better than my previous months, maybe it doesn’t seem that I read SO MUCH to you but I did, in fact, I’ve read 5 books last month, most of them good but not impressive books, only one of them has really managed to conquer me completely, but I’m super excited to share my thoughts with you on each of these books. 😊 Some of them with dark tones, with a bit of mystery, on the other hand, a bit of magic in contemporary stories, which I usually enjoy a lot, and finally a few paranormal elements, as well. I really feel super proud to have been able to read more than two books lol, it’s a great achievement so let’s celebrate together!! 🎉 I hope to read even more, though, in April *fingers crossed*

Before continuing I wanted to apologize because I know that I’m super late with my reviews of these books, some I’ve already reviewed, but I still need to review most of them, so I’m sorry, I tend to be very punctual with my reviews but that’s fine, life is like that now, and soon I’ll bring you some double reviews maybe and a full one for my favorite book of the month. So I’ll probably be brief here because I want to leave some of my feelings & thoughts for the reviews.❤️ 

For this month my plans are basically reading 😂 , aren’t those our plans every month, thought?! SHOCK! but not, seriously, I want to read, I’m feeling more and more eager to dedicate more time to my reading, and feeling that motivation again makes me happy, so I’ll take advantage of it while it lasts 🤓. I’ll surely be starting a new series, reading some ARCs as always & especially with the cold weather coming to my city hand in hand with autumn, I feel ready to read some spooky/creepy or perhaps suspense/mystery kind of books, something with a weird and atmospheric vibe. 🌲 So I’ll have a mini list to share with you, in addition to that within that list, I’ll be including some of my 5-star predictions to make it more fun. So I hope this is a very good month for EVERYONE & without further ado, I LOVE YOU ❤️, I hope you enjoy the post, let me know everything in the comments, and LET’S GET STARTED! 🍂

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February Wrap Up & March TBR | The Month Where I Challenge Myself to Read More! ☀️

☀️ Hi, guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day, full of good readings & incredible moments!! ❤️ SO happy to have a moment to be able to share with you everything that I’ve been reading in the month of February plus, everything that I plan and will try to read during this month of March. 🌟  I feel super excited to share another post with you this week, I know I’ve been the worst book blogger this year so far lol, I have no time for anything other than to dedicate myself to my business, and I really feel blessed by the opportunities I’m having in my personal life and the growth of my business is wonderful, I’m very happy with that, guys, but I still feel a little guilty at times for not being able to give you all the content and all the posts that I would like, so I’M SO SORRY! You know that I always think about my blog and you’re wonderful people, so I’ll always return here, which is my safe and favorite place in the world. 🥰 So, my loves, I’ll not be able to upload posts as much as usual but on my days off I’ll be here bringing you new and I hope, fun bookish content, so that we can both enjoy. 🥺

PBS SoCal excited amy adams pbs socal variety studio actors on actors GIF

I had a very nice birthday, working, but at the same time I went to dinner with my loved ones and read ALL your beautiful comments, I haven’t had time to answer them yet, but I plan to do it very soon, I LOVE to see you’re there for me and your words made my day even better. 🥳 I have to tell you I’m SO excited about Shadow & Bone’s trailer 🦌, GUYS!!! I’m freaking out! I can’t wait to watch the series, I was so afraid that was kind of cheap, you know? but after seeing that trailer fragment… I’m in shock, I didn’t think it looked SO SPECTACULAR, and now I’m even more excited, I think the characters are perfect and the scenes are just as I imagined them. 😭  WHAT A GOOD TIME TO BE A GRISHA WORLD FAN!! PS: Have you seen Ben Barnes as The Darkling? SO GOOD!! & OMG, Jessie is the perfect Alina as much as Freddy is the perfect Kaz, and I won’t even mention how perfect Amita is as Inej!! my favorite characters looking beautiful! 💕

In other news, besides being absolutely excited about the Shadow & Bone TV series, I’ve also read a little, I haven’t even come close to reading what I wanted, but hey, I’m not going to complain anymore, at least I’ve read something, right? And that’s already good, also both readings have been very beautiful and have had precious messages that I’m dying to share with you. As you know, I’m trying to get used to my new schedules, so I knew it would take me a while, but also I blame my glasses this time😅, it turns out that they broke and I was devastated because reading is very difficult for me without them, I don’t have a lot of magnification on my glasses, but they’re perfect for reading without my head starting to hurt, you know? So it was a difficult thing to do, even when I had a little time. SO SO SO… My beautiful boyfriend gave me an INCREDIBLE pair of gold glasses for my birthday, so now I just have to go to the doctor, make new glasses for them, and then I’ll be ready to read a little more this month! YAY!! 😍😍 Do you wear reading glasses? Tell me, I’m interested in knowing.

I realized that the best way to organize myself this month is in fact to set small goals to achieve and thus be able to read more, also other things like visiting more blogs, answering comments, and that kind of thing. I’ll try to make my goals privately, which means, I’ll not share them here, I’ll do an experiment to see how it goes and if this new system works for me, then I’ll be sharing it with you, of course, so maybe you can also implement it in your days. 👏🏻 👏🏻  I want to THANK YOU very much for your support with my discussion post, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE writing them, makes me happy and gives me a lot of gratification to share with you and to exchange experiences, so THANK YOU, really, for trusting me and, for your beautiful and encouraging comments.❤️❤️ 
So, not to make this introduction longer, as I always do lol,
my reading plan for the month is basically very similar to the previous one, but I’ll add a couple more books replacing the books that I already read, I’m sorry if I’m repetitive, but I really want to read these books that I couldn’t read in February, so let’s do this! 🤩 I’m excited to share it with you & that you share with me your plans for this month too. I love you deeply, you’re extremely valuable, always remember that 🌹 & without further ado, let’s get started! ☀️ 

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January Wrap Up & February TBR | Prioritizing 5-star Predictions during my Birthday Month! ☀️

☀️ Hi, guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day, full of good readings & incredible moments!! ❤️ SO happy to have a moment to be able to share with you everything that I’ve been reading in the month of January plus, everything that I plan and will try to read during this month of February. 😍 I feel really blessed to have you there on the other side, you know that I’m very grateful for your love and support always always always, so thank you SO much for being there in each post. 💞 Today, as I said, I’ll be sharing my past and future readings with you!! You know that this year has started differently for me, I don’t have much time on my hands like before because not only I’m working on my current job, but I’m also spending a lot of time dedicated to a very special project that I’m creating together with my boyfriend, of which I hope to share more with you in future posts. Even so, and with all this happening in my day to day, I had to admit that I feel more than happy to be able to have moments like this one, where I can dedicate a few hours to my blog, and somehow this has made it feel more special for me, now I value more this place and the time that I dedicate to it is very treasured for me. 🥺✨ I’ve been trying to catch up with your posts, so I hope you’re feeling the love, soon I’ll be bringing some surprises to further support this community that I love so much.
The conclusion and the message I want to give for this month is:

You Can Do It Cat GIF by Chibird

As for my readings, I’ve read a little more than December during the month of January, which doesn’t mean that I’ve read a lot really, but I’ve done a better job, and I celebrate that! 🙌🏻 I’m very excited because I’ve been trying more the audiobook format and it’s working wonderfully in those moments when I cannot read physically & also I’ve finished a trilogy that will remain forever in my heart. Plus, I’ve read a couple of ARCs that I’m very interested in talking to you about. In terms of reading quality, I think it has been a pretty average month, although I did enjoy a couple of these books, most of them have been something “meh” but well talk more about it later. 😊 

So, what do I plan to read during the month of February? Well, this month is special because it’s my birthday month, I’m turning 27 on the 22nd, so as a gift for myself I decided that I’ll be prioritizing my 5-star predictions, this means that I’m determined to find a 5-star book this month 🤩, and for that, I’ll be checking some lists I’ve made through time, of books that I think I’ll love, but I’ll also add some new releases from this year or last year that I think I’ll totally love to make it more fun. To be more honest with myself, I don’t expect to read each one of the books that I’ll put in my TBR, but they’ll be what I prioritize reading during the month, you know?. 😄 I hope this makes sense to you, and most of all, I hope you feel as excited as I am by all the fantastic books that I’ll include in the list. 😍 

I LOVE you, you’re incredible for just being here ❤️  & Without further ado, I hope you decide to stay with me during this post full of incredible books, so prepare coffee or a tea, and make yourself comfortable … because we start right now!! ☀️ 

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