Book Recommendations | Perfect Books for Transitioning Between Seasons ⛅️

⛅️ Hi, amores! I hope you’re having a beautiful day and an amazing start to the week, obviously, full of the most wonderful readings! ❤️ Today super excited to bring you a recommendation post after a long time of having made one, you know that I LOVE recommending books, but I like to give it a little twist making it more entertaining and fun, so this time I had the idea to recommend those books that under my point of view are perfect to read during those months of the year where the seasons are changing. 🙌🏻 I hope you friends understand what I mean by this, but just in case, I’ll be more specific about my idea, the books that I’ll talk about next are, on the one hand, books that I’ve read and really loved, but they’re also perfect books to read while we’re moving from one season to another to adapt to a different climate and/or time of year.
I’ve also decided to add a couple more books per season, but this time books that belong to my TBR, cause although I haven’t read them yet I think they have themes, ideas, plot bases, or atmospheres similar to those respective books that I do have read, you know? especially to be able to bring you a greater number of titles that you can add to your TBR and enjoy! 🥰
I love to make recommendations based on climates or seasons, but I don’t like to focus only on one season since we all live in different hemispheres, so I prefer to make a more general post, so we can all participate.
I hope you enjoy the post very much, that it’s an idea that you like & that above all, you can find new books to add to your TBR and read at some point. 💫 
I LOVE you deeply, infinite thanks for always being there supporting me with each post, and without further ado, LET’S START! ⛅️

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February 2021 New Book Releases 🔥

 🔥 Hi, mis amores!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day full of good readings & beautiful moments.❤️ Super excited to have the chance to share with you again this post series, where every month I’ll be bringing you the newest book releases of 2021, obviously focusing on those that sound more interesting and more appealing to me. 🌟 As I always say “Good news for the heart but bad for the pocket” right? that expression never gets old 😂 So if you’re not afraid to let your TBR grow… even more, & you’re dying to know what books are about to come out, this is the series for you. 👏🏻 In these posts, I always include those book releases that, as I said before, resonate the most with me or sound like something that I’ll love, so I’ll only highlight those that I plan to read at some point.
I hope you enjoy this post a lot & above all, that you can find new books to enjoy.  😍 Thank you for choosing to share this moment with me, make yourself comfortable, grab your favorite drink & LET’S GET STARTED! 🔥  

‼️ Small Clarification: The dates of some of these books may change due to Covid-19 and everything that’s happening in the world right now, so if that’s the case, don’t hesitate to let me know!

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