The Liebster Award || N°5 💞

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Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day. You already know this, but this community is full of wonderful people, and the idea of ​​this Liebster Award is one of those considered and generous thing created to continue expressing our love for what we do. I’ve been tagged by the lovely Jenna (Bookmark Your Thoughts), she’s one of my favorite people within the community, so I’m super happy and grateful to have been nominated by her to make this fun tag. I can’t start without first recommending her blog, you have to check it out, she’s a wonderful person and her content so GOOD, I know you’ll love it as much as I do. Also, recently she has given a makeover to her site and it looks PRECIOUS 💞 
I’ll tell you a little more about what this Award is about and then I’ll begin to answer all the questions, which I’m super excited for!

“Liebster” is a German word meaning beloved, dearest, sweetheart, or darling.

For bloggers, the Liebster Award is an online recognition given by other bloggers to new bloggers for enjoying or appreciating their work. It highlights up and coming blogs.

🌟 The Rules 🌟

Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.

Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.

Nominate 11 blogs.

Notify those blogs of the nomination.

Give them 11 questions to answer.

What is the longest slump you’ve ever been in?

I think that the most amount of time I’ve spent feeling myself slumpy or not feeling the motivation to read has been about 2 months probably, it has never been more, thankfully!. By the way, I advise you to read your favorites, if this happens to you!, that has worked very well for me 😊

Do you prefer ARCs or finished copies of books?

Oh, this is a weird question, because I obviously love every time I have the possibility to read an ARC, it’s a very nice experience, but aesthetically maybe YES, I prefer a final copy. Also, remember that many things can be corrected in it, so I pick the final copy.

What is your favourite review you’ve ever written (not based on views/likes, but your feelings)?

WOW, so hard to choose right now, I can think of three books that I can say I’m proud of my reviews: They’re: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Sadie and I’ll Give you the Sun, not only because I enjoyed writing them, but also because they’re books I love, and have been able to write about what I felt at that time, it was already a challenge and they ended up being reviews that I like a lot, so they’re like miracles 😅

What was the last song you fell in love with?

What type of YouTube videos do you most commonly watch?

I mostly watch videos from my favorite Booktubers, also some Spanish-speaking Youtubers and I have an obsession with the people who play the Sims, so I also tend to watch some of those videos lol. And music, of course, A LOT 😄

Do you have a favourite holiday? If so, why did you pick it?

I really LOVE the New Year’s Eve 🎊 , and I would also choose Halloween 🎃 because although it’s not a thing that’s celebrated where I live, I love to celebrate it by myself and watch many horror movies and read spooky books as well

Be honest: have you ever bought a book mostly just for its cover?

OF COURSE!!, who has not done it, right? 💕

Do you like to keep your books pristine, or “live in” them with highlighters, tabs, annotations, etc.?

I really don’t do this, I’m pretty classic with my books, I don’t write in them, but if I like some quotes or something I want to remember, I keep everything written down in another notebook especially for it. Maybe someday I try to do some of this, but for the moment I’m fine this way, although I enjoy seeing other people doing it, I think the books look beautiful, with tabs and all that 😊

What is the most money you’ve ever spent on one book, and would you do it again?

I think that the maximum I’ve spent has been on my copy of IT, because I was in love with that cover so YEAH, and in fact, I bought it here where I live so I already knew that it will be expensive, but I don’t regret it, you know. I enjoyed the reading experience and it’s my favorite cover, so it’s ok

Do you use any method to keep track of your TBR, like a TBR jar, spreadsheet, notebook, etc.?

YES, YES and YES. I use all the methods to keep tracking of all my readings, I think it’s very inspiring and fun, so I recommend doing it, it has encouraged me to read even more as well 😍

Roughly estimate this one: how many more books can you fit on your current shelves before needing a new bookcase?

I think I could put like 10 or 15 more and it would be fine, as you know I don’t have a lot of physical copies, most of mine are E-copies, so I surely should not buy another one for a while ☺️

Eleven Questions for You

I’ve decided to create 5 questions so you answer them, and I’ve decided to put 6 of those that I’ve already answered, I hope that’s fine 💞 

1.If you only could read a single gender forever, what would it be?
2. Do you like to re-read books? If so, why?
3. What’s your ideal climate when sitting down to enjoy your reading?
4. What’s your favorite part about being a Book Blogger & Which is your least favorite?
5. What’s the craziest character name that you ever read of?

6. Do you have a favourite holiday? If so, why did you pick it?
7. Be honest: have you ever bought a book mostly just for its cover?
8. Do you like to keep your books pristine, or “live in” them with highlighters, tabs, annotations, etc.?
9. What is the most money you’ve ever spent on one book, and would you do it again?
10. Do you use any method to keep track of your TBR, like a TBR jar, spreadsheet, notebook, etc.?
11. Roughly estimate this one: how many more books can you fit on your current shelves before needing a new bookcase?

The Nominees

Shades 0f Paper | allonsythornraxx| Drizzle & Hurricane Books | Dreamy Addictions | The Cursed Books | Sprinkles of Dreams | Mel to the Any | Books and Munches | Emma Reads (to much) | ambsreads | Between Folded Pages

I hope you enjoyed the post guys! and thanks for all the support, you’re the best 😍 

find me at 

Goodreads|Twitter 💕

21 thoughts on “The Liebster Award || N°5 💞

    • Thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it 💕 . No, I really don’t think so, I think it’s just a celebration that happens more in North America, but I live in Argentina and here people don’t usually celebrate it, younger people usually organize costume parties some years, though and that’s pretty cool 😊


  1. Oh my goodness — you’re too sweet!! Thank you so much for the love! I really appreciate it ❤ Oh man, who doesn't compulsive buy based off of covers sometimes?! I think every book lover has AT LEAST once!

    The Sims!!! I actually had to get rid of my account because I was OBSESSED — I even had a Tumblr page dedicated to my Sims family — is it sad that I miss them? So I definitely relate to watching YouTube videos on other Sims playthroughs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You deserve it, honey!💕
      I think the same, it’s really impossible not to have made a purchase just for a beautiful cover, it’s stronger than us sometimes 😅
      The Sims is really an ADDICTION!. The same happened to me, and I get it, I also miss my sims family sometimes, and I’m not ashamed 😄 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes … yes it is … all the willpower in the universe is gone during these times.

        Okay … I actually don’t feel like a weirdo now ha-ha! But seriously, I had so much fun with that family and was on generation 4 … but then wanted to start fitness and reading again so I stopped gaming as much … it was a necessity to leave it behind lol!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on the award, yay!! I so agree with you that the best way to get out of a slump is to turn back to old favorites ❤
    Thank you so, so much for the nomination ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great answers, Sofii! I think the most I’ve spent on a book was $75 US, but I bought the book via a Kickstarter campaign so that cost helped the author be able to afford the time to work on the book, as well as editors and cover artists and such, so I’m totally happy with that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for tagging/nominating me! I’m the worst at keeping track with these kind of posts or even write them, but hopefully I won’t forget about it and will be writing it ASAP😅.

    Liked by 1 person

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