3 Literary Genres I Want to Read More of 🌙

 🌙 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having an absolutely wonderful day, full of the best reading & having the best time. ❤️ Today I’m back with another post, where we’ll chat a bit about those literary genres that I’m looking forward to reading more especially during 2022, either because they will take me a bit out of my comfort zone, or because I like them and haven’t read enough. 🤓🌟 I think what I’m trying or hoping with this post is to keep up with this goal that I’m proposing to myself, and maybe I’ll get to read a little more within these genres, which I must say, to a greater or lesser extent, have already given me many satisfactions and good surprises in previous years. 🙌🏻 I also think it’s exciting to come back after having read a little more of each one of them to tell you my experience, and maybe you also want to try new genres out of your comfort zone, I think it’s fun to put these little challenges to keep us motivated with our readings. 🥰 

What I’m doing today then is mentioning these 3 literary genres that I want to read more of, but I also want to share with you why I want to read them, and some books that I’ve liked within those genres, as well, as some that I already have on my TBR. I’ll also, obviously, be asking you for your recommendations for me, so I can have a wider variety of books to choose from in these categories below. 📖 

Sometimes I feel that with time, when you’ve been reading for years, you can fall into always choosing the same genres because you know they’re the ones that suit you best, or have always worked for you, which isn’t bad, of course, but sometimes I feel that I’m missing out on something for not daring myself to try new genres, as well as there, are some genres that I’ve left aside and I really want to get back to 👌🏻, so I really hope to have a little breakthrough with it this year especially. 😊 
So, I hope that as I always say, hope you enjoy the post, thanks a lot for your support 💞 & of course, share with me everything you think… and now, without further ado, LET’S GET STARTED! 🌙 

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The End of the Year Book Tag | 2021 Edition 🌟 

 🌟 Hi, beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having an amazing day, full of the most wonderful reads! ❤️ Today I’m bringing you an already iconic book tag that every year comes to life so we can all catch up a bit or summarize in some way how our year has been going & this is of course: THE END OF THE YEAR, book tag! 🙌🏻 
Of course, it’s November right now, so there’s still a month left in the year where I can read a book I absolutely love and it won’t be included here, anyway, you know that in December I’ll be making thousands of lists with the best, the worst, the most surprising and disappointing books of the year among other things, so this tag will be basically about all the books I’ve read in the year until this day. 😊 
Here we’ll go over how I’ve been doing, some of my faves so far and some plans for next year as well. I think it’s a super fun, informative, and very interesting tag to read in general, so even though I won’t be tagging people this time, I invite you to do it if you feel like it too and let me know below, I’d love to check that out!
Now, yeah, not much more to say, I hope you enjoy it a lot 🥰, I hope it’s a light read for today and that it serves to catch up a little bit. I love you, thank you for the support regarding my blogiversary, your words touched my soul and made me very happy. 🥺 Now without further ado, LET’S GET STARTED!

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October Wrap Up & November TBR | Lots of Spooky Books to Share with You 🎃, plus: Catching up on my Readings Before 2022 Comes! ☀️

☀️ Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day filled with the best readings & obviously, I hope you all had a beautiful past month!❤️ Today I’ve returned with one of my favorite posts to share with you my Wrap Up of the month, where I tell you all about what I’ve read during the month of October, plus: What I’m going to read in the month of November!. And here we are! another month has passed and we’re getting closer and closer to the end of the year, guys, that’s SO crazy! 😮 the year flew by completely, I hope you all are taking it easy, it has been a strange and changing year so my best wishes to you for the last 2 months ahead of us. 🥰  So, my October was pretty good, you know I love horror season, so I’ve been enjoying it a lot, watching horror movies as I love it so much, and also of course with some spooky books as well. 🌙  Maybe I should share with you all about my favorite horror movies, I never thought about it, but even if it’s not bookish related it could be fun, so let me know if it’s something you would like to see in the future. 🙌🏻 

Before we start what we come here today for, I want to share with you that this is a very important month for me in the blog because I’ll be celebrating my 5th blogiversary! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?! 🎉  it seems like only yesterday that I started my baby blog, time flies when you do something you enjoy, right? Because of this, and also because I’m looking forward to a little change, I would like to start making changes to the blog in terms of image, I’m working on creating new headers, logos, and cute little things, to give it a new look and feel like it’s more like myself, you know? 👏🏻 I just want my blog to look more like me every day, and when I grew up myself in life I feel that my blog has to reflect that too, so I feel ready to give it a little touch-up. Obviously, I’m not an artist, sorry about that 😅, I have no idea about design, so it will be a month of trial and error. So if you see some changes happening, that’s why.
I also want to tell you that I LOVE you, thank you so much for supporting me and being there during all these years, I’m having a great time in this community! 😚 

Love It Awww GIF by Rosanna Pansino

So, in terms of reading this has been a great month, I’m very happy I’ve been able to start reading more consistently than in previous months where it was all disaster and reading slumps lol, I think finally the Halloween spirit came to save me and revive the reader in me. I ended up reading 5 books during the month of October, which coming from reading almost nothing is more than positive for me, so let’s celebrate!!! *little dance* 💃🏻 
Honestly, even though I read a good amount, I didn’t read any books that I’m passionate about or loved completely, which is kind of sad because I picked books that I thought I would love, but well that’s ok, anyway, I got two solid 4 stars and that’s always great! 😍 and also I have a lot of books ahead of me for this month of November, where, as I told you,
it will be all about catching up a bit with my reading and challenges that I have set for myself in general. 🌟 

Now, without further ado, because my intros are always SO DAMN LONG 😂 , let’s jump right into today’s post, I’m excited to share what I’ve read and my thoughts with you, as well as a little bit about what I’ll be reading during the month…. Let’s get started!!! ☀️ 

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August Wrap Up & September TBR | Some Witchy Books, Unexpected Ratings, Polarized Reading & Taking a few Weeks Off 🌺

 🌺 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day filled with the best readings & obviously, I hope you all had a beautiful past month! Today I’ve returned with one of my favorite posts to share with you my Wrap Up of the month, where I tell you all about what I’ve read during the month of August, plus: What I’m going to read in the month of September!. I think I repeat this every month, so I’m sorry, but OMG, I can’t believe we’re already so close to the end of 2021! it’s crazy! 😲 I hope from the bottom of my heart that you’re all safe and healthy, and have been able to get vaccinated if you wanted to, personally I’ve already had the first dose, so I’m more relaxed now, I’m waiting to be called for the second and luckily I haven’t had any symptoms or anything, so a very good experience. In other news, the month of August has been super quiet for me in my personal life, honestly nothing super amazing has happened but luckily, I did have been feeling very well physically, I’ve returned to be more active and walk which I haven’t done for a while, and that’s very good for me. 🏃🏻‍♀️🌟 I also want to thank everyone deeply because it has been a very good month for the blog and I’ve been seeing a much more active flow of new people joining the family and that makes me very happy and I’m honestly flattered that you subscribe to the blog and check my posts, I love this space and all the wonderful people I’ve met through it. 🥺💕

I’ve embarked this month on a new challenge in terms of reading, where I’ll be reading some favorite books from other book bloggers, which I’m very excited about, and I’ve already made some progress on that TBR specifically so I’m super happy, anyway I’ll share more about it in another post. 👏🏻👏🏻 I’m looking forward to creating weekly posts where I keep you updated with this challenge maybe, or updating it as well, something will come up, but I promise to keep you posted on all of that. In terms of reading in general, you know I’ve already shared with you that this year has been very busy for me, so I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to read as such so I’ve taken this stance of reading what I can, and being patient with myself, and celebrating every little victory, you know? Still with this mentality I managed to read a bit more than I had planned so YAY! 🎉 I’d say it was a very successful month in terms of reading. 😄 
As for the quality of these readings, it’s been a month of highs and lows,
I have some books that really impressed me, some genres that I’m not usually used to reading that I loved, and others that I expected a lot from and really disappointed me, so there’s a little bit of everything here to talk about and analyze today. We have a bit of romance, a bit of sci-fi, mystery and above all a lot of magic! Would I really be myself if I didn’t read stuff about witches?…it’s literally all I’ve been reading this year 😅.

‼️ Another thing I want to share with you before starting with the post, is that I’ll be taking 2 weeks off in September where I won’t be uploading anything to the blog, I might read a little but I don’t really promise anything, you’ll see that my TBR for the month is very general because I don’t even know how much I’ll actually read, but well, this is something I do every year together with my boyfriend and we take the opportunity to relax, visit our families and really be with each other, so maybe during those two weeks reading won’t be exactly my priority, and that’s perfectly fine. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF & TAKE BREAKS is SO important for your mental health! ❤️❤️ 
Still, I’ll be back with my reading updates for you, and obviously I’ll share a bit of those books that could be in my stack.

Mental Health Flowers GIF by mtv

Now without further ado, thank you for being there on the other side supporting me, I LOVE YOU!!! 🥰 I have the best readers and this is by far the best community, so super honored to belong & I hope you obviously enjoy today’s post, and let me know all your thoughts in the comments. Now yes, LET’S GET STARTED! 🌺 

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TBR Challenge | Reading Book Bloggers’ Favorite Books ☁️

☁️ Hi, beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful day full of amazing reads.❤️ Today I’m super excited not only to finally show you all this new project but also super excited and happy to be inaugurating a new category on the blog! It’s going to be so much fun I can’t wait to tell you all about it so let’s get started. This new category I’m talking about will be called “TBR Challenge” 🥳 (nothing too fancy, I know lol) and it will be a section on the blog where I’ll be, as the title clearly states, putting myself under different reading challenges, this will not only hopefully be fun to bring you a new type of content, but also hopefully help me to stay motivated with my reading, and above all, and most importantly, to read more books that are already on my TBR. 👏🏻 My idea isn’t to make this something super regular, being honest, I want to do it slowly so I don’t feel the pressure and I’ll be giving myself an estimated time to finish each challenge I’m facing. I want this to be an achievable thing. 😊
I hope this is something fun that you like and that you join me during this new journey of literary challenges, of course, you can leave me your ideas for new challenges to do in the future, I already have some written down, but it never hurts.

Happy Fifth Harmony GIF by Music Choice

So, this time I bring you my first TBR Challenge where I’ll be reading 5 favorite books from 5 book bloggers I love. I’m very excited about this idea, it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, so I’m happy to finally share it here, and get started with this challenge. 😍😍😍 

First, I would like to clarify a couple of things so that everyone is aware and this is much clearer.‼️ 
The books I chose
are books that these five bloggers loved and books that they gave 5 stars to, ok? I didn’t particularly find anything that said “OMG, this book is my favorite book of my life” you know? but I understand that they loved them completely because of the rating, so those are the books that I chose and will be reading. I wanted to make this clear just in case.
On the other hand, I’ve chosen the bloggers for this first round a bit randomly, but
I also chose from those people who always support me and are here for me, as a way to show them my love and you know, I love having the chance to mention them so you can also follow them and enjoy their content.
Another thing that I think is very important to mention is that in the end
no matter if I like or dislike these books, this is meant to be a super fun experience because obviously we all have different reading tastes and that’s the entertaining part too, you know? So I‘ll read everything very relaxed knowing that my chosen bloggers are all wonderfully kind and won’t hate me if I don’t like any of these books lol.
Lastly and to jump right into today’s post, I also want to comment that
I’ve given myself 2 months at the most to finish this mini-TBR, I know other people can easily read this in less than a month, but I don’t want to put myself under pressure, I prefer to take it slow and most of all enjoy the experience, because if you guys like it I would LOVE to bring more of this kind of challenges to the blog. 💕

Of course, this introduction was going to be long because I had a lot to clarify, but still, if there’s any doubt you have about it just let me know in the comments and I’ll be happy to clarify it. Now yes, without further ado, I hope you enjoy this new section & this first challenge, INFINITE THANKS to the five bloggers I’ll be choosing for their wonderful content 🥰, I had a lot to choose from, it was fun… And now, LET’S GET STARTED! ☁️ 

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November 2020 New Book Releases 🔥

 🔥 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a wonderful day, surrounded by the best readings!! ❤️ Today I’m bringing you one of my favorite posts where I show you my most anticipated new releases of the month. 🥰 I’m SO excited to be sharing with you, is really a blessing, so I hope you enjoy these posts and find some new books to add to your endless TBR because as I always say: Good for the soul but bad for the walletright? But it’s what we love …BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS, so I hope you enjoy it. The books I choose to add here are just some that I would love to read at some point because they sound like something I’ll personally enjoy, so without more further ado, let’s start! 🔥 

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