Top 10 | Light & Fluffy Books to Read During Quarantine | Part 2 🍵

🍵 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having the most incredible day and enjoying your readings.❤️ Today I come back with a new recommendation post! I’ve seen that everyone has loved this idea to read lighter readings during these difficult times of quarantine, so after seeing all the love you all have given to my first top 10 and all the support, which I appreciate immensely, I really felt that it was time to bring a second part, with more reading recommendations for you to enjoy & of course, HERE I leave you my first publication, where I recommend 10 incredible books to relax and read during this quarantine. 🥰 

I just want you to have a small source of resources here on my blog in case you don’t know what to read or find it difficult to get hooked on the very complex and overdeveloped plots, maybe some books touch heavy and hard-hitting topics that can be a bit too much for some people in such tragic moments, so I thought about putting a little bit of myself to help you in case you want to read something fluffy, fun and simple, but in the best way in the most heart whelming and beautiful way. 👏🏻 Obviously, some of these books will touch on topics of life and growth and personal search, also family and romantic themes, but I want to give you a reading that when you finish it you feel good, you know? That can put a smile on your face and give your heart a break. 💞

So without further ado, I hope you enjoy the post and all my recommendations, they’re made from my heart with much love, so I hope you enjoy them if you decide to read any, they’re all wonderful! 😍 & LET’S START🍵Read More »

April Wrap Up 🍂 | OWLs Magical Readathon 2020 💛

🍂 Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new post… my April Wrap Up! where I’ll tell you ALL about my readings of the month. As many of you know, this month was all about the OWLs, a wonderful Harry Potter-inspired readathon where we followed a series of promp to successfully graduates of our magical career. If you want to know more about it, you can check my TBR where ALL the information is. 😊 As always, I had an incredible time participating, I think it’s one of the most fun and entertaining readathons to participate, not only do I love reading and passing classes, but I also love to see what others are reading and what career or careers they have chosen to follow. A super beautiful community is formed, where everyone interacts and makes the experience a thousand times better, so YES, it was incredible and I’m happy that I managed to complete it and managed to read each of the books that were in my TBR, with the exception of one that it’s a DNF, but I’m counting it anyway because I really tried. 👍🏻 In addition to this, I’ve had one more week to read what I wanted, which is incredible it never happens to me lol, but I decided to take it easy, especially since I want to read a lot next month, so I don’t want to get overwhelmed, and I really liked having time to rest and doing other things, also feels nice and at times as stressful as these are necessary. Anyway, I ended up grabbing something else to read, but I’ll tell you more about that later. 🥰

I don’t want to spend a single month of this year without thanking you for your support and unconditional love that you show me in each of my posts, I’ll be forever grateful to be able to live this adventure with so many wonderful people! 😭 ❤️ Honestly this year I haven’t been paying much attention to my statistics like in 2019, which is proving to be very healthy for me, I’m a quite organized person and I’m very passionate about my projects, so of course, I want this beautiful project to grow and do well, but I’m focusing much more on improving my content and being able to express myself better, learn and be able to give you the best of myself and I think that it’s being incredibly powerful and healing, I’m enjoying much more blogging this 2020, it feels incredible. 😍 I’ve been thinking about making a discussion post soon on these topics and give you some tips if you’re interested and talking about blogging, pressure, stress but also the benefits that I’ve experienced having the blog and being part of the community, I’ll build something soon and I’m excited to continue sharing with you. I LOVE YOU and I wish you all the success with your projects. 🎉

Happy Fifth Harmony GIF by Music Choice | Camila, Camren

As for my readings, I’m trying this year to be quite open to reading many different genres, that’s why I’ve been putting together mini TBRs, which I love, and this month, I’ve had a variety of interesting genres, so I’m pleased. I enjoyed almost everything I read, which makes me feel very fulfilled and happy, I’ve read one of my favorite authors and I haven’t been disappointed, she’s fantastic, I almost cried with a short novel that I found very powerful, I’ve read adorable novels graphics, and I discovered that I can read heavier and descriptive writing style and still enjoy the process. 😄
I hope you decide to stay and you’ll be able to know my thoughts about each one of these books, but I’ll also share with you as always my favorite blog posts and some fun statistics. So without further ado, let’s get started! 🍂

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ARC Review | Meet Me at Midnight by Jessica Pennington



Title: Meet Me at Midnight

By: Jessica Pennington

Series: NO

Pages: 336 

Published: April 7th, 2020

By: Tor Teen

Genre: YA | Romance | Contemporary

Buy it: Book Depository





They have a love-hate relationship with summer.

Sidney and Asher should have clicked. Two star swimmers forced to spend their summers on a lake together sounds like the perfect match. But it’s the same every year—in between cookouts and boat rides and family-imposed bonfires, Sidney and Asher spend the dog days of summer finding the ultimate ways to prank each other. And now, after their senior year, they’re determined to make it the most epic summer yet.

But their plans are thrown in sudden jeopardy when their feud causes their families to be kicked out of their beloved lake houses. Once in their new accommodations, Sidney expects the prank war to continue as usual. But then she gets a note—Meet me at midnight. And Asher has a proposition for her: join forces for one last summer of epic pranks, against a shared enemy—the woman who kicked them out.

Their truce should make things simpler, but six years of tormenting one another isn’t so easy to ignore. Kind of like the undeniable attraction growing between them.

| Goodreads |Read More »

Abril TBR 🍂 | O.W.L.s Magical Readathon 2020 💛

🍂 Hi, my beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having the most incredible day with the best readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new Monthly TBR, where I share with you my reading plans for the month of April, but this time it’s super special because I’ll be participating throughout the month in a new edition of the OWLs Magical Readathon 💫, which I love SO much, I’m super excited to share this experience with you, I also know that many of you will be participating, so it’s even more special than most of us can share the same energy during this month and of course, share what we’ll be reading and our goals in general. 🥰

Here in my country, we’re still in mandatory quarantine, I have many posts mentioning the same thing, but I like to keep you informed, especially since I know that most of you are from other countries, so I think there’s something very important in sharing this type of information worldwide for us to be more aware of what’s happening, there’s nothing more powerful and important than information. So, this is why I wanted to share with you that I’m still in quarantine until, at least, half a month, then we’ll see what happens, the important thing is to stay safe and take care of others as well, so although it can be a little stressful, I try to keep my energy as positive as possible knowing that I’m doing my best to help in these dark moments. This said, I hope I can read everything I plan, beyond having time sometimes mentally it’s impossible to read or do anything else, and I know you understand me, so let’s hope that everything flows in the most perfect way possible and hopefully I’ll be accomplishing with my goals and with the career that I’ve chosen.😊

The OWLs start on the 1st of April and end on the 30th of April, this so creative and wonderful readathon is created by Book Roast, I recommend that you check her channel, it’s wonderful and I’ve had the great pleasure of being part of a recommendation series for my house: Hufflepuff last year, in which I give you some ideas for each promp & was a blessing. ALL the information is in the video that I’m leaving here for you, you’ll be able to find out everything you need to know, from the Wizarding Careers available this year to the letter and prompts, and many fun new things that have been added this 2020 💫, so check it out for a much more complete and informative overview of the Magical Readathon. 💛



I don’t have much more to say right now, I’m super excited and happy to be able to participate again another year, it feels beautiful to be able to share with so many other readers of the same experience, it’s really magical. So without further ado, I’m dying to tell you which career I’ve chosen and what I’ll be reading to get my wizard degree this 2020 😍… so, let’s start! 🍂Read More »

New ARCs Recently Approved 💫

💫 Hi guys! I hope you’re having an amazing day.💕 Today as the title says I come to share with you some ARCs that I’ve been so fortunate to receive recently. I don’t usually do this type of posts so often because I never have an appropriate amount of ARCs to show you at the same time, so now that I have put together a small stack to show you, here I am, and I hope you enjoy it. I have 3 books approved by NetGalley and one thanks to Talem Press, which I’m super grateful for.🥰

I made one of these posts showing you my new ARCs stack in September, so if you’re interested to know what those books are, I’ll leave you the link HERE 😊

Always grateful and blessed for every ARC that comes to me, I can’t wait to read them and I’m dying to know what you think about them, so let me know everything in the comments & LET’S START! 💫Read More »