June Wrap Up | The Reading Slump Month: Unexpected Readings & Graphic Novels ❄️

❄️ Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new post… my June Wrap Up! where I’ll tell you ALL about my readings of the month. Well, as you can see from the title, this wasn’t my best reading month and I dare to say that I think it was my worst month in terms of everything that has to do with books so far. If you’ve been through a reading slump then you know that it’s very difficult to describe why it’s happening, you just know that you’re trying to read and nothing seems interesting enough, then you think of thousands of things you could do instead of reading, you just don’t have that motivation to continue your reading and honestly, it feels terrible.  😭 I think it feels even worse when you have a blog because I LOVE sharing my new readings with you and if I don’t read, I don’t have anything to talk to you about and I feel super frustrated, but well, it’s what happened to me this month, unfortunately, I felt this way and I accepted it and decided to go with the flow of what was happening to me and not force myself to read. This is just a stage… I know, you know, and I’m feeling better so everything is fine, I don’t want to be dramatic about it here 😅, I just wanted to share it with you and I also came up with the idea of ​​doing a whole post to discuss this topic and give you some tips that have worked for me in the past and also share our experiences, I think it’s always healing to know that it can happen to all of us and that’s fine, it’s natural. 👏🏻 

In other news, I had decided to participate in Make Your Myth-Taker readathon, a wonderful readathon that you can learn more about by clicking on the link, and obviously, I failed miserably 😂, but that was obvious to me being in a reading slump, honestly, I didn’t feel as to read anything that was in my TBR, so I’m very sorry that I didn’t succeed, but I hope to participate again at another time and do better! I hope you’ve done amazing if you participated. On the other hand, and although it wasn’t my best reading month, I think I’ve read quality things, so that makes me feel a little better. I also found one of the best books I’ve read this year, if not the best! so obviously that deserves celebration. 🥳 

Happy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt GIF

I read a hard-hitting contemporary with a mix of magical realism that blew my mind, I still don’t have the words to express how incredible that book was. I’ve also chosen to read graphic novels because they’re quicker & easier to read, so I thought they were exactly what I needed this month and I really liked them. Apart from that, I was part of a blog tour & I read a very intense short novel that I enjoyed a lot. Last but not least, I read one of the most loved books by the community that involves mythology, and I loved it, I had a great experience which I’ll share with you later.
Thank you SO much for being here and sharing each wrap up with me, it means the world for me, and even more when I had such a rare month and full of emotions. 🥰  So without further ado, let’s get started, I’m excited to share my readings with you and tell you a little about them. ❄️ Read More »

June TBR | #MakeYourMythTaker Readathon & Catching up with my Own Challenges 🍂

🍂 Hi, my beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having the most incredible day with the best readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new Monthly TBR, where I share with you my reading plans for the month of June. Well, another month and other new challenges to undertake, I’m excited for June, I feel it will be THE month, where I’ll finally read everything I plan. 👏🏻 In general, I’m very good at following my TBR, but last month I was messy with that, so this month I hope I can stick to my plans, I know I can do it! I wasn’t planning, though, to participate in anything this month… BUT I found many incredible readathons taking place in June, some of you let me know of many readathons through Twitter, which I’m very thankful for, and I decided to give one of them a chance to have a little fun while reading, also everything fits perfectly with my book pile.


So, the readathon I’ve chosen is Make Your Myth-Taker readathon, which I absolutely adore because it’s amazing, fun, and super original. 😍  It’s created by Ashleigh from A Frolic Through Fiction and takes place throughout the whole month of June, for more information better explained and more detailed I’ll leave you here the video of the announcement with everything you need to know. In summary, this readathon is based on choosing a fictional character and following a series of promps to become her/him. There are 4 groups: Warrior, Royal Court, Rogue & Sorcerer, of these each group there are 4 characters from which you can choose one or several as you want, to follow her/him path. Later I will show you which character and which group I’ve chosen to be, but yes! I think it will be a lot of fun and I hope that many people will join!  🌟 



On the other hand, I also want to incorporate in this challenge books that are on my lists of mini-TBRs for this year, you know that I want to try to read more sci-fi, so I have incorporated one of which I don’t know much, but I know that it’s very loved and recognized. I try reading it once, but it didn’t work, so it’s also like a second-chance reading. 🚀
In addition, as always, I’ll be incorporating an ARC, for which I will be participating in the blog tour  📚 
And last but not least, I’m about to finish reading my 2020 5-star predictions, so here you’ll also see another one that I’ll be trying, SUPER EXCITED because honestly, I feel that I’ll love this book, the premise sounds amazing to me and I’ve heard the best things. 😄 
Apart from all this, I really want to try to read much more of the books that I’ll be putting and sharing with you in this post. I’ve decided that it feels good for me this month to try to follow my mood and choose something during the month simply without planning it, surely from my physical TBR, so I’ll be sharing it later and maybe you can even help me choose other books. I hope this isn’t confusing for you, but I hope it works for me and somehow be more relaxing and be able to read a little more of just what I feel at the moment, you know?  🥰 
So I don’t want to waste any more time, I’m very excited to share my plans for this month with you and I hope you enjoy it, LOVE YOU FOREVER! 🍂 Read More »

Top 5 || Sci-Fi Books I Want to Read in 2020 🚀

 🚀 Hi, guys! I hope you ‘re having the best day ever and that you ‘re enjoying your reading!❤️ Today I bring you a new Top 5 because seems like I’ve become addicted to them 😅 , and I thought it would be fun to add some challenge, so in this “top 5” I’ll be sharing with you some sci-fi books that I want to try to read in this 2020.
This is a huge challenge for me because this genre has always been a hit or miss, but I thought it would be fun to see what I think about those who most attract my attention right now. In this list I’ll be showing you 5 sci-fi books that I think sound great, they’re also very popular and loved & they’re also books that are mostly located in space or on other planets, that’s why I’ve chosen them. We know that there are many types of sci-fi, but the only ones that represent a challenge for me are those that have to do with space things, spaceships travel and universe planets, so obviously that will be what I’ll be trying to read.  🌌 
I would never do this if I don’t think that there’s a possibility that I enjoy these books, I used to judge the genre a lot, to the point that I closed myself to want to read more because while I enjoy a lot of technological, alien things and time travel stuff, the things that happen in spaceships are another story. So, what changed my mind so I want to try again with this kind of genre? well, I read a book last year that I absolutely LOVED and made me re-think the idea that maybe I can enjoy space things and that was: Skyward by Brandon Sanderson, not only was amazing but it was in my top of favorite books of the year, it was a great surprise for me to enjoy it so much, so I thought, let’s do it! I’m going to put myself on this kind of annual challenge and obviously, you’ll witness my progress during 2020. I’ll not have any type of restriction to myself, by this I mean that if I’m not really enjoying the book, then I’ll not have problems and I’ll no doubt In “DNF”, this is just an experiment where I intend to see if I really have a real problem with this genre or I just haven’t read the indicated books, so this pretend to be fun and entertaining especially for me, in the first place, so if stop being it, I’ll stop and put at end to this relationship.  😂 
It can be fun but it can also be a disaster so we’ll see what happens, it will surely be interesting. I hope you like the idea and decide to join me in this space adventure. 🥰 
Now without further ado, let’s start! 🚀 Read More »

Down The TBR Hole || #12 ||☕️

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💫 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day! Today I bring you another part of our series, the book meme “Down the TBR Hole”which I’m doing hoping that it will help me to reduce the number of books that are in my current TBR

My plan is to upload this meme every week where. (I’m glad that now you want to see more books in this post so I decided to do 10 books per post instead of 5, not only will it be MUCH more entertaining and fun, because we’ll have more books to talk about, but I’ll also be able to clean my TBR faster which is great!) so, I’ll show you 10 books of which I’ll choose which one I’ll keep or get rid of. I want to make this weekly meme as interactive as possible, so I’ll be consulting a lot with you, to decide what to do. There will be those books which I’ll be interested in (Keep), those which I’ll not be interested in anymore (GO) and those which I’ll not be sure about, and with those, I’ll need your help. So please, let me know all your thoughts in the comments and I’ll be able to take my decision and let you know in the next post. 💫

I’m very happy because I’ve seen that you have participated a lot in the previous post, leaving me your comments, so I’m super excited to continue with this weekly meme.
If you’re doing the same meme right now, let me know so I can check your post out and leave my thoughts there 💖Read More »

May 2018 New Releases 🔥

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Hi guys!, I hope you’re having a beautiful day, today I bring you a post that I’ve seen many other bloggers doing and personally love those posts, so I thought it would be fun to start doing them here on the blog at the beginning of each month.
I think you already know what it’s about, but in case you don’t, here I’ll share with you the new books releases that I’m most excited about of that month, which possibly I’ll be adding to my TBR, and I’ll end up reading at some point, and we can also share our thoughts about it!. So, I hope you like it & let’s start!Read More »