Underrated Books by Well-Known Authors || 🍃

 🍃 Hi guys! I hope you’re all having the best day and especially, enjoying your current reading. 💕 Today I had this idea to write you a recommendation post, but then something came to my mind and I couldn’t ignore it, so I think it will become a beautiful post *fingers crossed*, the idea is to highlight underrated books that have been written by well-known authors, I’ll mention the more well-known and loved works of each author as well, but I’ll focus on one book that although it doesn’t have so much recognition personally I think they’re incredible and deserve more love.

Sometimes we know an author for one of his most outstanding works, but this doesn’t mean that his other works aren’t as good or even better, each book that I’ll mention below is worth highlighting because I’ve read and enjoyed them a lot, but above all because I feel that not many people have given them a chance, so my mission here is that maybe some of these titles interest you and you decide to add them to your TBR. 🥰 You know that I love being part of the growth of your endless stack to read, so I really hope you enjoy the post and find new books. 😊 

Of course, I would love to know if you have read some of these books and I want you to give me your recommendation and your thoughts on each of the authors that I’ll mention below, without further ado let’s start! 🍃Read More »

Down The TBR Hole || #18 ||☕️

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Original background image HERE

💫 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day! Today I bring you another part of our series, the book meme “Down the TBR Hole”which I’m doing hoping that it will help me to reduce the number of books that are in my current TBR

My plan is to upload this meme every week!. I’ll show you 10 books of which I’ll choose which one I’ll keep or get rid of. I want to make this weekly meme as interactive as possible, so I’ll be consulting a lot with you, to decide what to do. There will be those books which I’ll be interested in (Keep), those which I’ll not be interested in anymore (GO) and those which I’ll not be sure about, and with those, I’ll need your help. So please, let me know all your thoughts in the comments and I’ll be able to take my decision and let you know in the next post. 💫

I’m very happy because I’ve seen that you have participated a lot in the previous post, leaving me your comments, so I’m super excited to continue with this weekly meme.
If you’re doing the same meme right now, let me know so I can check your post out and leave my thoughts there 💖Read More »

The ABC Book Challenge|I|☕️

Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de SPRINGTIME (2)

☕️ I’ve been looking for something new and fun to bring to the blog and I’ve seen this challenge everywhere so it really catches my attention, and I’m more than happy and excited to start with this “ABC book challenge”.
I’ll be uploading a post every week sharing with you my most memorable titles and the books that are still on my TBR, corresponding to each letter of the alphabet, this time with the letter I.

I don’t know who is the original creator of this challenge, so if you know, please let me know in the comments. Personally I’ve seen this challenge/tag in the blogs of Tiana (The Book Raven) and Jacquie (Rattle the Stars), both are adorable people and their blogs are amazing so, please, check them, you’ll not regret it
I really hope you enjoy this post series a lot, it’s long so I hope to do my best and my goal with it is that we can all share our thoughts about the books that I’ll show you and as always, have a lot of fun.
Without more further ado, let’s start! ☕️Read More »

The ABC Book Challenge|B|☕️

Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de Copia de SPRINGTIME (2)

 ☕️I’ve been looking for something new and fun to bring to the blog and I’ve seen this challenge everywhere so it really catches my attention, and I’m more than happy and excited to start with this “ABC book challenge”.
I’ll be uploading a post every week sharing with you my most memorable titles and the books that are still on my TBR, corresponding to each letter of the alphabet, this time with the letter “B“.

I don’t know who is the original creator of this challenge, so if you know, please let me know in the comments. Personally I’ve seen this challenge/tag in the blogs of Tiana (The Book Raven) and Jacquie (Rattle the Stars), both are adorable people and their blogs are amazing so, please, check them, you’ll not regret it
I really hope you enjoy this post series a lot, it’s long so I hope to do my best and my goal with it is that we can all share our thoughts about the books that I’ll show you and as always, have a lot of fun.
Without more further ado, let’s start!☕️ Read More »

“My Blog’s Name in Books” Book Tag & 2000 Thanks! 🤗

A Book. A Thought. has reached 2000 followers!

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🌸 Guys!, I bring you excellent news today, in general I never post on Sunday but I’m so excited about this that I can’t wait to share this news with you.🌸 
The blog has reached the wonderful amount of 2000 followers (2004 so far) and I have nothing but thanks words to all of you who have pressed that little button to subscribe to my blog, either via WordPress or by e-mail, to follow all my content.
I have so many feelings right now, THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY.
The only thing I can think is that you’re all really the best, each one of those beautiful 2000 people who have decided to give me their support are incredible. THANK YOU!
I remember telling you, when I just reached the 1000 followers, how proud I was of what I had created, and I still am, every day that I see my blog grow and grow I feel that I have created a unique space, something wonderful where I can share my love for reading with all of you. Also what I appreciate most about this amazing community is the support I have felt from all of you from the beginning, not only since I created the blog but since joining Goodreads so long ago.
I remember starting to write some very short reviews, because my English was a disaster lol (still not so good, I know lol) and I was so embarrassed to make the ridiculous, I mean, I had that fear that people would get upset cause I was writing in a language that, although I loved and was very excited to learn, I still didn’t handle it at all. And on the contrary I found myself with so adorable and sweet people that supported me and pushed me to continue and not give myself up, to be better and honestly every day today after almost 4 years of belonging fully to the bookish community I feel that it has been one of the best things I’ve done, it’s a constant learning experience, a lot of fun, where you meet lovely people and share your bookworm thoughts with other people who think and feel like you, it’s just wonderful. 😍 
I don’t want to do this excessively long, cause I’m starting to feel too emotional, just remember that from my small place in the world you’ll always have my support, I want you to continue doing what you love, to fight for your dreams and be very happy.
🌸 Thank you so much guys!🌸 Read More »

Stand-Alone Books Recs (Part 4)

Copia de SPRINGTIME (6)

I hope you’re having a great day. Today I bring you some recommendations from my favorite stand-alone books, there are a lot of them so I’ll be making these recommendations every Friday for the next weeks showing only 5 books in each post to make it more orderly and cause I want to recommend to you all my favs stand-alones for you to get to know them and maybe even you want to add them to your TBR!, that would make me super happy. Besides, who doesn’t want a good stand-alone sometimes, right?.

You can find my previous Stand-Alone Recs here:

Stand-Alone Books Recs #1

Stand-Alone Books Recs #2

Stand-Alone Books Recs #3

I hope you enjoy my recommendations and as I always say, I would love to know yours.    I have 4 more recommendation post if you’re interested:

Paranormal Books Recs

Fast-Paced Contemporary Books Recs

LGBT Books Recs!

Fantasy Books RecsRead More »