Favorite Books of 2020 πŸŒΏ

 πŸŒΏ Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day full of good readings.❀️ Here I am again, my loves, I’ve been super absent in the last week because I’ve got a new job that requires 100% of my time and honestly I haven’t been able to find a moment to dedicate to the blog, or even to read, because when I get home at night I just want to sleep, you know? Anyway, I’m grateful to get back to work and I hope everything goes well with that for me *fingers crossed* πŸ₯Ί but I still wanted to come back today to share a new post with you, this time it’s MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR! And it’s because I share my favorite books I’ve read over the past year and we can chat a bit about them. I don’t know how many posts I’ll be capable of uploading from now on, but I promise to do my best to at least bring you one quality post per week, but I’ll see that over time. I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH at the bottom of my heart for the support and love that I still receive from you, even when I’m not being active within the community as I used to be, that means a lot to me, I promise that every time I have free time I’ll use it to check other blogs and support you as I’ve always tried to because even though my life is a bit crazy now my feelings haven’t changed, I love this community and I love blogging as much as reading, so I’ll continue to do so. πŸ˜ πŸ˜ πŸ˜ 

I Love You Hug GIF by RainToMe

So today’s post, as I already mentioned, is the post where I share with you my top with my favorite books of the year, but unlike most of my tops this time the order is important because I’ll be ordering them from my least favorite to my most favorite book of the year, with this I hope to make the post more fun and it’s also like a little challenge for me that I find fun. πŸ‘πŸ» Even so, and with that said, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love each of these books so much, from the lowest position to the highest is being part of my list of faves, so obviously I’ve loved all of them. I hope you can add many books from this list to your own TBR and read them to love them as much as I have, I’m so excited to share this list with you! πŸ˜Š 

I hope that each of you had a beautiful Christmas and have an even better New Year, surrounded by your loved ones and if you can’t, cause “pandemic” then I send you all my pure love just for you, I’m sure 2021 will be full of blessings for all of us.  πŸ₯° Now, without further ado, I’m SO excited to be writing this post and sharing all these wonderful books with you, so let’s get started!! Get comfortable and find yourself something tasty to drink, this will be good! πŸŒΏ 

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