Exciting Bookish Project! | Creating a Definitive Book Blogger List πŸ“’

Β πŸ“’Β Hi, beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings & incredible moments.❀️ Today I’m super excited to share with you this new project that I’ll be working on for the blog but above all for the book community that will include each one of you.Β πŸ₯Ί
This will be a different post because it’s a post not only to tell you about my idea and to share it with you, but it’s also a post to ask if you’re interested in be part of it? & ask for your collaboration to share this post and thus reach the largest number of book bloggers within the community. 😍  This post will not be long, I want to tell you a little about where my idea came from, why I want to do it & what has motivated me.
I’m very excited, so
I hope it’s something that interests you and that gets you excited as well. You know that I love to receive all your advice and thoughts, so let me know everything in the comments, I accept suggestions of any kind as long as they’re made with love and respect.Β πŸ™ŒπŸ» Now without further ado, let’s get started!Β πŸ“’

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