5 Popular Authors I Haven’t Read Yet 👓 

 👓 Hi, bookish friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful day, full of the best reading.❤️ Today I’m super excited to bring you what will be my last post for a few weeks, since as I’ve told you before, I’ll be taking a couple of weeks off starting Monday, but I still wanted to bring you one more post before then to have fun and share together. 😊 So I decided to bring you today a mini list where I’ll share with you 5 of those popular authors I haven’t read yet (but, want to). I think that besides the fact that I love sharing this kind of stuff here on the blog, it will also be a super useful way for me to remember how much I really want to read these authors’ books, because I know they’re all super talented and I’ve heard the best things. I also think it’s great to have the chance to share with you these authors so we can exchange opinions. I would love to know if you’ve read any of them and how you feel about their work, what are your faves, etc. I think it’s a good and interesting topic for discussion. 🥰 

My plan today is to mention each author in no specific order and also to share with you some points as to why I’m interested in reading these authors. 👏🏻 I really have no reason not to have read them yet, that’s why I won’t talk extensively about that, since there’s not much to say, but I wanted to make it a bit more interactive, so I’ll share, as I said, some positive points why they’re still on my TBR. 😍 On the other hand, I’ll also be sharing the books, of each respective authors, that are on my TBR, so you can leave me your opinion about them and let me know what you think.
I hope it’s something entertaining to read, and if you’d like to do it on your own blog, please do! I’d love to see other readers’ choices as well. 🌟 

I hope you enjoy it, thanks for always being there to support me and the blog, I deeply appreciate it! See you soon when I get back from my weeks off with more content and new challenges. I love you all!!! 💞 & without further ado, let’s get started! 👓

‼️ PS: I have a review on the calendar that I’ll be uploading on September 15th, so I hope you enjoy that once it’s posted.

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June Wrap Up & July TBR | Trying to get out of a Reading Slump: Re-Readings, Most Anticipated Books & 5 Star Predictions! ❄️

 ❄️ Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a wonderful day filled with the best readings & obviously, I hope you all had a beautiful past month! ❤️ Today I’ve returned with one of my favorite posts to share with you my Wrap Up of the month, where I tell you all about what I’ve read during the month of June, plus: What I’m going to read in the month of July!. 🥰  I come from a very difficult month in personal terms, there have been significant changes in my life and I’m trying to get back to my center and to “normality” so to speak, so… no doubt, I’ve been super distracted and away from my reading. This month I have no excuses, I’ve read very little, but still I’m proud of myself and I’ll not be too hard on myself either because I know that sometimes life gets in the way and there are other things that you have to take care of, right? I wanted to share this with you, maybe at some point I would like to talk more in depth since my blog is a reflection of me, it’s always important for me to be honest and open, but always of course, respecting my time, so when I feel ready we’ll talk more about my life and what’s happening right now, for now I ask you to send me a lot of that beautiful energy that you always give me and everything will be fine, you know I’m very positive and that will not change. 🥺 🥺 🥺 

I wanted to start from the beginning telling you where I am, so you know and then leave it behind to continue, as always, with the best energy and all the enthusiasm that I always want to transmit with my blog.✨
I want to tell you that, on the other hand, this month has been great for me in terms of posts,
I think I’ve done my best and I’ve managed to upload more posts despite being busy, so YAY FOR ME! 🥳 I think next month I hope it will also be very good in terms of posts and content since I’ll have a little more free time to dedicate to my beloved space in the world. 😍 
In terms of reading, despite having a beautiful TBR planned all dedicated to Pride Month, I haven’t gotten to finish even one of those books (sad for ever), but I did get to read my two ARCs which is a good thing. I OBVIOUSLY want to read those books still, so I’ll plan something special soon to read them, maybe a 24hs reading or a personal readathon, like a challenge, it would be fun, I’ll be telling you more about it in the future. 😊 So yeah,
I’ve read 2 books, both, as I mentioned before, ARCs, and both Really Good, I really enjoyed them a lot, but besides telling you a little bit about them today, I also want to share with you that I’m in the middle of reading one book and I’m loving it! I hope I can finish it this month, so I can share my review, I really can’t wait. 👏🏻

Despite being in the middle of an interesting and unexpected Reading Slump (lol) I’m not going to let it beat me and I’ll be going into a fun challenge I’ve set for myself this month, I plan to not only read, of course, but I want to try to read a little variety within the following categories: Two Re-Reads, Two New Releases & Two 5-Star Predictions! 🙌🏻
I’m super excited to share this month with you and see how I’m doing in terms of reading, I’ll be putting 6 books on my TBR this month within the above categories and the challenge is to try to read each one of them. I‘ve proposed this to myself as I feel that in the previous months I’ve been neglecting my TBR, so I would like to refocus and also I think it’s a fun way to overcome my Reading Slump.
So wish me luck, I think I will need it! 😄 

happy the goldbergs GIF by TV Land

I don’t want to make this introduction any longer than it already is, I’m dying to share with you everything I’ll be reading as well as both ARCs I’ve read and my current reading. Thank you, thank you, thank you SO MUCH for the love, support and understanding of every day ❤️, you’re wonderful and don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise. I love YOU and without further ado, let’s begin! ❄️

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September TBR | The Month I Want to Read It ALL: Latinx Book Bingo & Exciting ARCs 🌻

 🌻 Hi, my beautiful bookish friends! I hope you’re having the most incredible day with the best readings.❤️ Today I bring you a new Monthly TBR, where I share with you my reading plans for the month of September. Can you believe that there are only 4 months until the end of the year? It’s just so crazy, but looking at how our 2020 has been maybe it’s a good thing, right? 👏🏻
I’m very excited about my plans for this month because I just coming out of my reading slump and I feel ready to read a little bit more, which is great! Even so, I’ll not promise that I’ll read each of the books that I’ve planned because I know that sometimes I lose control and I get a little ambitious lol, but I do want to try to read as much as I can and the most important thing is that I hope to enjoy the process. 😊 Of course,
I want to thank you for always supporting me, August has been a great month for the blog and also for me, and in large part I owe it to you and to every comment of love that means the world for me, so I never want to miss the chance to say THANK YOU and I really appreciate what you do for me. 🥺

Perhaps you have noticed that now there’s a small sunflower accompanying this month’s title and that means that spring will be coming this month to Argentina, so I’m planning to focus on reading some contemporary books that I’ve had for a while, since I feel that the warmer weather is perfect for it. 🥰 So, this month I’ll be participating in a Readathon and that’s Latinx Book Bingo and will take place from September 15 to October 15, which is Hispanic Heritage Month, is hosted by Paola, Allie (Allie With Books), and Sofia (Bookish Wanderess). For this Readathon the girls have created a Bingo Borad, of course, which I’ll show you below and maybe even though some of my readings will coincide with some promps, I’ve decided to focus on the books I already own, so in general my challenge will be to read as many books by Latinx authors and representations as humanly possible throughout the month of September, maybe I’ll also be reading some in October, but you know that I usually focus more on spooky books during that month, so my goal in September is to read as much as I can. 😍 I love supporting my people and this wonderful idea, so if you didn’t know about it yet and you feel like it, I invite you to participate by at least reading a couple of books or just one book by a Latinx author, that would be incredible to show your support. 💞 
Apart from this
I’ll also be focusing on my ARCs and I have several Blog Tours in which I will be participating as well, I feel super excited for them, because they are books that I’m dying to read and share the experience with you. 🙌🏻 

I think that this month I’ll not be using my “Back Up Pile” because I’ll already be adding a lot of books by Latinx authors, so I want to focus mainly on them, and I’ll see as the month progresses. I’m super excited to share everything that I’ll be reading this month 😄, I hope you enjoy it and tell me what you’ll be reading in the comments, you know that I love chatting with you. Now, without further ado, let’s get started! 🌻 

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Top 5 | Books Featuring Amazing Sibling Relationships 👯‍♀️

🌟 Hi, guys! I hope you’re having the most wonderful day, I hope you’re staying in your home safe, I LOVE you and I send you all my positive energy from here.❤️ Today I bring you a post that I’ve wanted to do for a while, but lately, I’ve read a book that has inspired me, so I thought it was time to do it. Maybe you already know this because I repeat it in each review of each book lol, but basically, I’m a HUGE fan of brotherhood/sisterhood dynamics in books, in fact, many times I enjoy much more to see this type of relationship and their evolution, as also of the family in general, than the romantic one. 😍 So I thought it would be a fun idea to bring you a kind of “recommendation post” but also a top 5, with my favorite siblings relationships in books, but also I’ll give you a small bonus where I’ll share with you another top 5 of books featuring and having siblings relationships that are on my TBR, so you can have more options. 👏🏻 
Most of the books that I’ll share with you don’t have the siblings bond as the central point of the plot, but as a strong and important complement that makes the plot move or there’s also a lot of support between these brothers. On the other hand, I also want to mention that this time I try to choose healthy relationships that grow and become solid, powerful and full of love and support. Maybe another day, if you like this concept, I could make a top 5, on the contrary, showing you this type of books, but about darker and twisted sibling relationships, I also have a couple of those that I’ve read and they’re very shocked and good too. 🤔 But well, we’ll start here and I’m super excited to share with you since also many of these books are my favorites of all times, so I hope you decide to give them a chance and let me know in the comments everything you think about it, both about the idea and also what you think about sibling relationships in books, I would love to know! 🥰 Now, without further ado, let’s start! 🌟 Read More »

I’m Back from my Break & My Reading Plan for the Rest of the Month? ❤️

🌻 Hi my beautiful babes, I’m back! OMG, I missed you SO much,❤️ I was already looking forward to returning to my routine of writing posts and check out yours, I thought I would be a little more aware of the bookish world in my break, but I ended up not checking anything at all, I was completely out of social networks and In fact, I haven’t even check any of your blogs in 2 weeks, so I’m sorry, it wasn’t the plan but I ended up doing a lot of things and going from here to there, so I haven’t had time. Even so, I hope to catch up with everything very soon, I know that I needed this rest for my soul, but now I’m dying to see what you’ve been reading and how you have been in these two weeks, I hope well, as you know, you have to let me know everything in the comments!! I’M SO EXCITED to be back & LOVE YOU so much!! 🌻 Read More »

WWW WEDNESDAY #23 || 2019 ||❄️

❄️ Hi guys, I hope you’re having a wonderful day!. here I am with a new WWW Wednesday (originally hosted by A Daily Rhythm, and revived by Taking on a World of Words, where we’ll share the books that I’ve finished, my current and upcoming readings ❄️


This meme tries to answer the following three questions:

❄️ What are you currently reading?

❄️ What did you finish recently reading?

❄️ What do you think you’ll read next?

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September TBR || Mood Reading, ARCs & Participating in Another Read-A-Thon || 🌻

🌻 Hi guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day! 💞 Today I bring you my TBR for the month of September, where I’ll tell you everything I’ll be reading during the month. This month will be a little different, though, Spring begins this month here where I live 🌺 , and I’m so excited by the spring weather a little warmer and rainier, I love that, so this weather makes me feel quite like reading, but I’m not sure of what, that’s why I bring you a kind of different TBR because although I know that I’ll be reading a couple of ARCs, and I will also be participating in a read-a-thon, I don’t know very well what I feel like reading. 🤔 
I always tend to show you my TBR with which I feel very comfortable and I always try to read the books that I include there, I’m a control freak so I like that 😂, but this month I feel a little adventurous, I feel that I’m not 100% sure of anything, as I mentioned, so I’ll show you a stack of my possible readings and then I’ll pick up from that stack whatever I feel like reading at that time. It will be a month of reading mood or something, right? will be a lot of fun! You can also help me decide what to read, telling me your opinions about these books, you know that I love knowing what you think, talking to you is my a pleasure. 💕

I’ll be participating in another read-a-thon this month and I’ll be trying not to fail miserably, again lol, which will be fun to see for you, I’m sure. I’m participating in the Contemporary-a-Thon, I never want to miss this one because I really love it, it’s one of my faves read-a-thons, so I can’t wait to show you what I’m going to be reading during that week, it’s going to be running from Monday 9/23 to Sunday 9/29, so my TBR will be up closer to that date.📚 If you want to know more about it and you want to participate, then I’ll leave Chelsea‘s video here below, where you can clarify all your doubts and you can also see the promps. I hope you decide to participate, really, it will be a lot of fun and whenever I participate I find a new favorite, so I’m excited to try again in this Round 5. 😍

Before jumping directly to my TBR, I want to tell you that I know that I’ve been missing and I haven’t been commenting on as many blogs as I usually do, but this month I’ll return. You know that I love to support you, being there for you is a priority for me and I want to make it happen more this month 💞. Now, without further ado, let’s get started! 🌻 Read More »

Top 5 || Books I NEED To Read Before The End Of The Year || 2019 🍀

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Original background image HERE

 🍀 Hi, my beautiful bookish friends!!, I hope you’re having a wonderful day and you’re enjoying all your readings. 💕 Today I bring you what would basically be my top 5 of those books that I’m most excited about and I want to read before the end of the year. I didn’t know how to put all my feelings in a title so this is more or less what I came up with lol.
We all know that our TBRs are basically an infinite stack of one million books that we intend to read luckily throughout our lives and sometimes can get a little out of control. Well, I’m trying to start prioritizing certain books and being a bit more organized. I think sometimes, and I guess this happens to all of us, I usually get very distracted by new releases and ARCs, and all those things, and then you forget a little about those books that you already have at your disposal to read or that you mentioned that you died for reading like yesterday, so well,  💫 I’m trying to control myself and try to follow a series of lists where I’ll prioritize 5 books to read for a certain period of time. This is a simple idea that I’m trying to follow and see if I can really read those books that I say I’ll read, and not just forget them completely every time a new one appears in front of me. 💫  All this sounds as if I had all under control, but no guys, don’t be fooled. 😂
In this particular top, I’ll mention 5 books that I’m dying to read before the end of the year and, for a change, I’ll really try to actually read them over the next few months. If I achieve that, then I’ll be very proud of myself, for sure, and I’ll also continue making these types of lists to prioritize certain readings and also to talk a little with you about this books, I would love to know what you think of them. 😍 
I always think that everything sounds better explained in my mind, but I hope you have understood what I’m trying to do, I promise to do my best. I’ll read these 5 books and review them for you this year, it’s a fact, I’m doing it!!! 👏🏻  
You have to tell me in the comments what is your top 5 priorities before the end of the year, I would love to know your list. And now, without further ado let’s start! 🍀 Read More »

October 2018 New Releases 🔥

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⚡ Hi guys!, I hope you’re having a beautiful day, today I bring you a post that I’ve seen many other bloggers doing and personally love those posts, so I thought it would be fun to start doing them here on the blog at the beginning of each month.
I think you already know what it’s about, but in case you don’t, here I’ll share with you the new books releases that I’m most excited about of that month, which possibly I’ll be adding to my TBR, and I’ll end up reading at some point, and we can also share our thoughts about it!. So, I hope you like it & let’s start!⚡Read More »