2020 Surprises & Disappointments βš‘️

⚑️ Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a beautiful day full of good readings and wonderful moments! ❀️ Today I’m more than excited to share with you this second post in the series of “end of the year posts” and this time I bring you my Surprises & my Disappointments of this 2020.Β πŸ™ŒπŸ» On the one hand, we have those books from which I didn’t expect so much and they ended up surprising me by how much I enjoyed them and on the other hand, those which I had high expectations from, but ended up disappointing me.
As always, I want to clarify that these opinions are only my own and don’t mean that we all have the same experiences with these books and that’s fine 😊 & on the other hand I also want to clarify that
the group of books that today I want to share with you that were surprising for me, are books that really captivated me but they didn’t reach my top of the year as favorites, so this is also a good opportunity to give them their moment of recognition, appreciate them and tell you a little about them. 😍
I also want to tell you that those books that are in the group of
my disappointments this year aren’t bad books at all, in fact, I’ve enjoyed them, it just that I get into them with high expectations or I expected much more from them and they just didn’t live up to and that’s why they’re in my disappointments. Which doesn’t mean they aren’t great reads anyway. 🌟 
In short, I want this to be a fun post to share and exchange opinions, always knowing that we are all unique and different and that’s wonderful.Β πŸ’ž
So you know that I hope to know everything you think in the comments about these books!

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I hope you enjoy the posts a lot, so get yourself something delicious to drink and eat β˜•οΈ, make yourself comfortable & let’s get started, I’m excited!

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