Most Surprising Books of 2018 || 🌟

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 🌟 Hi guys!, I hope you’re having an incredible day. Before you mention it, let me tell you, that YES, I know we’re already in February, in fact almost in March, but to be honest I completely forgot to do this post before so I’ve decided to do it now anyway because I’m really looking forward to showing you my most surprising readings from last year.
I already have my top 10 of my favorite books of 2018 HERE, in case you want to check that out. None of those books will be named in this post, but I’ll talk a little of those books that, although they didn’t get to my list of best readings, deserve an honorable mention because they’re also INCREDIBLE.
I’m super excited to talk to you a little more about them, so without more further ado, let’s START! 🌟 Read More »

December Wrap Up & Short-a-thon Fail [2018]

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📖  Hi guys!, I hope you’re having an incredible day, getting ready to start an amazing new year, from here, from my little place in the world, I wish you many successes, love, health and work, in this new year that begins. I know that all of you are capable to achieve all your goals!
In other news, here we are, and I come to tell you all about my readings of the month, or failing that, the lack of them lol.
This month I decided not to do a TBR, I honestly knew that I wouldn’t have much time to read and also I didn’t feel like reading anything specific, so this seemed like a good idea at the time. The good thing is, that I realized that I LOVE and I NEED my TBR, they help me to keep reading, no doubt. The bad thing is, that I’ve read almost nothing and I’m pretty disappointed about it. Although, what I read was good, I expected to do a better job, even more when I was participating in a Read-a-thon as incredible as the Short-a-thon, but well, life got in the way and the results aren’t that good 📖 Read More »

Book Review: An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1) by Sabaa Tahir

Title: An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)

By: Sabaa Tahir

Pages: 480

Published: April 28th 2015

By: Razorbill 


You can buy it HEREBook Depository

Laia is a slave. Elias is a soldier. Neither is free.

Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear.

It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do.

But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy.

There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.


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2019 Goals || Blogging, Bookish & Writing 💫

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💫🌼 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day. Today I bring you something new for me, I’ve been seeing that most of the incredible book bloggers that I follow, sharing their goals or their plans for next year, and the truth is, that I’ve never done one of these before, whenever I’ve had objectives I’ve kept them in my mind, but I think it could be an incentive and even a good reminder of some things that I plan to do, have them actually written on the blog. I’m also excited to share them with you and know some of your personal goals!. So, withouth more further ado, let’s start! 🌼💫 
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Least Favorite Books of the Year || 2018 ||👎🏻

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☄️ Hi guys, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Today I bring you a post that always brings a bit of controversy, and that’s my list of my less favorite books this year!. First of all, I want to thank you for the support you’re put in my blog, I’m getting to know more and more wonderful people in the community and it makes me happy.
Second, in this post will be the books that I’ve enjoyed the least or that I haven’t liked at all, this doesn’t mean that I’m throwing hate to them, you know?, they just aren’t for me, so please don’t feel offended if your favorite book is here. In fact, if you enjoyed them, I’m really happy and I whish I’d have done it as well.
I’ll show you my Top 5 here, because, to be honest, I don’t have SO many books that I haven’t liked that much, luck for me, right? LOL
In general, I want to clarify, my 3 stars are usually average books for me, I don’t love them but they have some qualities that I’ve enjoyed, so isn’t, for my standards, a bad rating, that’s why there’s no 3 stars books here, I’ll put those who have less than that
So without more further ado, LET’S START!, it will be a difficult road lol ☄️ Read More »

Favorite Books of the Year || 2018 || 👍🏻

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💞 Hi guys, I hope you’re having an incredible day. Today and finally, I bring you one of my favorite post to see and to do and that’s my favorite books of the years!!. I was looking forward to doing this post for a few days now, but I haven’t had the time so here it is, and I’m super excited
I‘ll be showing you my top 10 books of the year, and you can see its synopsis along with the Goodreads link and another one that will take you directly to My Review, spoiler free, in case you want to know more about it.
In this case, I’ll try to describe each book with a few words so to not start talking and talking without being able to stop myself lol, because, as you imagined, I LOVE each one of these books, they have been all captivating, magical and beautiful stories.
This list will be sorted from my least favorite, to my most favorite of the year, anyway even my least favorite is AMAZING, so I want you to know that, it will be difficult to choose but I’ll try.
Finally, I want to clarify how I have also done last year, that my favorite books aren’t always 5 stars, I think that the following books have a rating of 4 to 5 stars.
I highly recommend that you check each out of these titles!. So, without further ado, let’s START!💞 Read More »

Merry Christmas!🎄🎅🌟

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❄️Hi guys, MERRY CHRISTMAS!, I hope you’re having an amazing day full of love, peace and family
This will be a pretty random post of my wishing you the best, because even though I always tell you this, it’s important for me, so I couldn’t stop writing in this day to express my love and best wishes for all of you, babes 💛 

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🌟 This is a time of the year to reflect and to think about what really matters in our lives. I think sometimes we forget it and we can be sad for nonsense or be focused on things that don’t deserve our attention, but we must turn back, and ask ourselves the right questions to refocus on what is really important. In my case, is to enjoy more of my family and especially of my brothers, sometimes I’m so busy that I can’t see them and as a big sister that kills me, so I’m determined to spend much more time and be there with them as they grow up. On the other hand, here in the community I have begun to be more grateful, I know that I am in general, but you can always be more and this community has given me so much, it has simply made me part of something magical. And I can honestly say that it is not in my plans to stop blogging or to stop sharing all my readings and my thoughts with you because it’s something that makes me honestly happy. But you must remember, and you can take this as a piece of advice if you want, that when things with your blog get difficult or you just don’t feel relevant in the community or if it’s hard to achieve your goals, then you have to think about why you started in the first place. I know that sometimes it can be stressful and you can feel that what you do is not enough, but you know what?, It is enough, and you should be proud of the love and passion you put in something you love doing, because there’s nothing like that feeling and nobody can take that away from you. And above all remember, why you started in the first place, and if you still feel that passion, you shouldn’t stop, you shouldn’t be disappointed or feel bad, take some time if you need it, but don’t give up if it’s something you love to do, because I’M PROUD OF YOU AND I APPRECIATE EVERYTHING YOU DO IN YOUR BLOG. And at the end of the day you’re not alone, most of us start because we love to read and it makes us feel good and we love to imagine all these stories in our heads, or maybe because we need to escape from something, because I myself have been there.
Well I want to tell you that you must not forget why you started in the first place, YES, I said it again lol. And if it was for a good thing, keep hold of that and if it was to escape from something bad then you can transform it into something positive and beautiful. There’s a lot of love and support in the bookish community , I know there is because I feel it every day and I see it in other people as well, but it’s real that sometimes it gets difficult and you can feel overwhelmed by situations, well, there’s no shame in it , we’ve all been there, so if you need someone to talk to, you can write me, you know I’ll always be there to help🌟 

Maybe that was too much, but I felt that I needed to express it and get it out of me, so I did it lol. I hope you have a great Christmas, that you’re surrounded by love and understanding and that above all, you’re really really happy💕 
I send you my best wishes and I love you guys❄️ 

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12 Days of Christmas||Book Tag 🎄

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💛 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a BEAUTIFUL day. Today it seemed VERY appropriate to bring you this fun book tag, made exclusively for this time of year. I feel that the questions are very entertaining to answer so I hope you like it as well. The original tag was created by Lizzie Loves Books, so check out her YouTube channel!
I need to start with this because I’m honestly super excited, it’s one of those days when I really want to do a tag lol. So, without further ado, let’s START!💛 Read More »

The ABC Book Challenge|P|☕️

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☕️ I’ve been looking for something new and fun to bring to the blog and I’ve seen this challenge everywhere so it really catches my attention, and I’m more than happy and excited to start with this “ABC book challenge”.
I’ll be uploading a post every week sharing with you my most memorable titles and the books that are still on my TBR, corresponding to each letter of the alphabet, this time with the letter “P“.

I don’t know who is the original creator of this challenge, so if you know, please let me know in the comments. Personally I’ve seen this challenge/tag in the blogs of Tiana (The Book Raven) and Jacquie (Rattle the Stars), both are adorable people and their blogs are amazing so, please, check them, you’ll not regret it
I really hope you enjoy this post series a lot, it’s long so I hope to do my best and my goal with it is that we can all share our thoughts about the books that I’ll show you and as always, have a lot of fun.
Without more further ado, let’s start! ☕️Read More »

Spreading Love: Book Bloggers||Part 5||💕

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💞 Hi guys, as always, I hope you’re having the best day ever. Because I’ve turned 2 years with the blog, I decided that I wanted to celebrate it in some way, and I thought, what better way to do it that returning a bit of love and support, that this community has so generously given me in these years, right?
therefore, I’ll upload a post every week for the rest of the year with 5 incredible book bloggers, who do great jobs with their blogs and inspire me every day to improve with mine.
I also think that it’s a an amazing opportunity for you to meet new book bloggers that maybe you don’t know yet and decide to follow them and enjoy their contents
I’m very excited to start making these posts, so I hope you like them, share and support them.
This is the best way to be there for each other and help the growth of each of our blogs. Now, without further ado, let’s START with this incredible 5 book bloggers of the week 💞Read More »